Kill the boy

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The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.

"How did it happen?" Gillian asked. He couldn't even properly say the words, he was trying to hold back his tears and his anger.

He came to stand beside Robb, looking at Elena's lifeless body that was laying there. She just looked so peaceful, it only made the lump in Gillian's throat grow more.

"She saved Brann." Robb swallowed, also trying not to cry. "She paid with her life."

"Goddammit." Gillian cursed while a few tears ran down his cheek. The ache in his chest only grew when he saw her body, lying there on the cold stone. Her skin was paler than ever, the blush on her cheeks gone.

"We could've known. We could've stopped her." Gillian took in a deep breath, the tears now running down his cheeks uncontrollably. He touched Elena's hand, trying to feel if there was any warmth left in them.

"She would've done it either way." Robb said. He felt like he couldn't cry anymore, it felt like he had used all of his tears. He softly stroked her hair behind her ear and looked at her closed eyes, desperately wanting to see the green of them again.

"She loved you, you know." Gillian bit on his cheek, he could already taste the copper of his blood.

"How do you know?"

"Because she couldn't stop telling me how much she hated you." Gillian diverted his eyes away from Elena's body.

"Now what?" Gillian said with anger laced in his voice. He blamed Robb for Elena's death, he was the one who saw her last. He was the one who could've stopped her if he had only noticed how she was acting differently.

"We fight." Robb answered curtly.

"What?!" Gillian shouted, the anger rising inside off him. "Elena just fucking died and all you think off is starting a war?!"

"I've already called my bannermen." Robb continued, ignoring Gillian's comment. Gillian took in a deep breath and started pacing. If Elena hadn't been lying there in the same room he would've probably attacked Robb.

"And I want you to be in my counsel." Robb continued with an emotionless voice. He was still staring at Elena's body.

"Give me one goddamn reason why I would ever advise you." Gillian growled and furiously pointed at Robb, his arms shaking in anger.

"Because she trusted you." Robb sighed and looked up at Gillian. "I know things have never been well between us, I know that we've always hated each other. But this is war we're talking about. War against the people who've tried to kill Brann that caused Elena to do this."

"Don't you dare bring Elena into this, she only wanted to prevent war from breaking out." Gillian growled furiously.

"Sometimes we don't have a choice." Robb sighed and looked back at Elena's lifeless body. "I will only ask one thing of you, Gillian. Fight with me, not for me. Fight for Elena."

"How can I fight for her if she's already dead?!" Gillian yelled suddenly.

"I know you loved her, Gillian." Robb looked up at him.

"Then you know why I always hated you." Gillian looked up at him too while clenching his jaw. Robb nodded and looked down again. "So how can you ever expect me to fight for you?!"

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