Going home

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"Why do we fall?" Elena heard Gillian whisper. She opened her heavy eyes and saw him kneeling before her body. His medium length dark brown hair was hanging before his dark brown eyes as he looked at her. She was laying on the cold hard floor, a throbbing pain in her head that made her see black spots.

"Gillian?" Elena muttered and tried to get up. She failed, it felt like she was tied down to the floor but she didn't see any ropes.

"So we can learn how to get back up." Gillian continued, his usual smile playing on his lips as he was extending his hand for her to take. She took it and let him pull her up, the weight on her body was suddenly gone as he got her back on her feet.

"No matter how difficult he makes it."

Elena gasped for air and sat up immediately, looking around to see what just happened. The pain in her head became unbearable and her vision foggy yet she didn't lay back down.

"Gillian?" Elena tried to see clearly, hoping to see her friend again. He wasn't there though where he stood before she woke up. She let out a deep sigh and let her head fall in her hands. How could she even have thought that he was back?

"Elena!" Steve stormed towards her. Then she saw what was happening around her; the tent she had been inside before with Robb was on fire, it looked like it had exploded from the inside.

"Thank the gods you're all right." Steven sighed, clearly relieved. He pulled her back on her feet and steadied her when she almost fell back down.

"I've got you." Steve smiled and held her tightly. Elena looked up at him, thinking how Gillian did the exact same thing back in the dream she just had.

"Where's Robb?" She asked immediately.

"He's passed out. He's all right though, he had been putting up quite a fight I heard. Most of the normal people die before their mind gets taken over due to the power." Steve smiled at her when she frowned.

"Why is he doing this?" Elena said weakly, black spots covering her vision.

"I was going to ask the same question." Steve said and looked down.

"Captain!" Louis suddenly appeared beside them in quite a rush. "I've scouted the 10 miles around the camp, he's nowhere to be found."

"Of course he isn't" Steve sighed and walked towards Robb's tent, letting Elena hold his arm to remain steady. "He's just playing with us, trying to discover our limits and weaknesses. This is just the beginning."

"Well, how do we stop him?" Louis asked when they entered the tent. When Elena saw Robb lying on his bed, she immediately stormed towards him and sat down beside his unconscious body, taking his hand in hers.

"I got him out of his head." Damon said, he was sitting on the other side of the bed. Apparently he had carried Robb here.

"Thank you." Elena smiled at him while stroking Robb's curls off of his forehead. She now knew Damon was never the one people called the Dark One, it was his brother that did all these things. It explained a lot of things about Damon now that she knew one of his secrets. She still felt like there were a lot more to explore.

"I can't protect him from any further attacks though." Damon stood up. "He's weak. His mind is a mess full of loss and pain. If he doesn't control his grief any time soon he will lose himself in it."

"But how can we stop the other from manipulating him?" Louis asked, he was leaning against one of Robb's desks.

"We can't." Damon sighed and looked back at Robb. "He can manipulate us when our mind is weak, when we're angry or afraid. He infiltrates your mind when you're at your weakest."

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now