One victory does not make us conquerors

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"Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain." -Louis Tomlinson

"Robb?!" Elena yelled and searched the courtyard for him. She had used the little energy she had left to fly to the other side of the wall, trying to make sure Robb was all right.

"Don't worry little Lena, he's here with me." Damon spoke up in her head.

"Is he all right?"  Elena looked around her to find the dark Guardian.

"Your little princess is fine." Damon muttered, sounding bored or either annoyed. 

Elena sighed deeply in relief, some of the stress finally vanishing when she flew down towards the castle. Her body ached and her wings trembled, making her landing clumsy and painful. Elena got up and looked around, more bodies than she could count were lying on the floor, Thenns, crows and many other wildlings. The snow on the ground was red instead of the usual white. Elena's body filled with dread and terror, her limps began to shake and her heart began to thump wildly.

The men that were left were either holding their lost brothers in their arms or sitting on the ground, hopelessly staring in front of them. Elena felt a lump growing in her throat when she saw Jon.

"Jon..." Elena whispered softly and walked closer to him, extending her arm to comfort him. Jon was just standing there in the midst of the courtyard, staring at the bodies in front of him. His black curly hair was messy, sometimes sticky with blood.

"Your brother is all right, Damon just told me." Elena said, the only thing that kept her standing was knowing that she had at least succeeded to protect Jon and Robb.

"This shouldn't have happened." Jon muttered with an empty voice. Elena could see he was holding back his tears. "We should've protected them, like we protect all the other people in the realm."

Elena sighed and bowed her head, knowing he was right. Wildlings were also people, the only difference was that they didn't have the safety of a wall protecting them from the dangers beyond it. No wonder they'd fight to protect their families, their people from harm.

Jon turned around and looked at Elena, all she could see in his eyes was pain but his face was emotionless. "She's dead."

Elena nodded sadly, knowing who he meant. He had been talking about her a lot in the little time Elena and Jon spent together before the battle. He sighed deeply and turned to walk away.

"They should've had a Guardian to protect them, just like us, maybe then she'd still be alive."


"Elena!" Robb entered the room she was in, running towards Elena. He was covered in blood, mostly blood of other people. His armour had scratches all over it, sometimes the blade or whatever it had been had slashed the metal till it hit Robb's flesh. There was nothing too serious though.

"Thank the gods, you're all right." He sighed deeply and wrapped Elena tightly in his arms.

"Are you hurt?" Robb pulled back quickly and examined Elena's body, his hands holding her by her waist.

"I'm fine." Elena smiled sadly at Robb. He wasn't unhurt though, a gash covered the side of his cheek, his chest and another his left arm. "Sit down, I will take care of your wounds."

"I'm all right." Robb protested and grasped Elena's wrist when she walked away to get a cloth for his wounds.

"Please, just... Sit down." Elena sighed deeply and closed her eyes. After all that had happened that day she couldn't have any other things worrying her. The terror still filled every fibre in her body, waiting till she finally broke down completely to show itself.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now