New beginning

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Warning: super cute moment at the end so make sure you're not in a public area before people start wondering if you're crazy xd

"Gillian?" Elena asked after she had knocked on the door of his chamber several times. "It's me, Elena."

Jon stood next to her, nerves wrecking his body. He didn't know what to expect, Elena told him that Gillian was brought back from the dead. He had seen him before after he had just arrived from Castle Black. He only saw him, cowering in the corner of the room. Robb had told him that it might be best for the both of them to just leave that for another time. Now that time was here and Jon wasn't sure if he wanted to see his old friend.

Slowly the door opened, revealing Gillian's dark brown eyes as he peered through the tiny split.

"I've brought Jon, he's an old friend of us." Elena said. After she had woken up from whatever she had, she had spent the last days talking to Gillian. Mostly she told him about who he was, what he and she mostly did back then. Gillian mostly remained silent, listening to the sound of her voice. Elena knew that it was difficult for him because no matter how much she told him about who he used to be, he couldn't remember anything. All the while Elena had been avoiding her brother. After seeing those memories she didn't know how to talk to him.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jon whispered in elena's ear when Gillian continued to stare at him with squinted eyes. Jon, on the other hand, had spent most of the past few days discussing war plans with Robb. He became a kind of second hand of the king, giving Robb advice. They were planning on marching forward. Since the Lannisters took Moat Cailin again Robb planned to take it back.

"It will be fine Jon." Elena said. Deep inside though she knew that Gillian wasn't exactly becoming better. Instead his health became worse every day. Gillian started to forget simple words, had trouble pronouncing them and sometimes he just randomly started to scream.

It was extremely painful to watch such an attack, he would cover his ears with his hands and would press his eyes shut. His screams always sounded tormented. After such attacks Gillian was always silent, staring at something in front of him even though Elena would try to talk to him. His wound in his chest also refused to heal, no matter what Ella tried to do. Gillian had also started to sometimes scratch his skin, to find out if he could still  bleed. Which he couldn't.

Steven had told her to put him down now that she still could. He told her about something that had happened before, another human that had been raised from the dead. He had become like a monster, almost like a white walker but then without the icy eyes and cold skin. The man had killed those who he loved before he had died without any second thought. Elena knew though that she couldn't give up on Gillian just yet. She had to atleast try.

"Gillian?" Elena repeated, her green eyes scanning what she could see of his face. Slowly the door opened further, giving Jon and Elena the room to enter.

"So-sorry." Gillian stuttered, frowning when he had trouble with such a small word. He sighed and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

Jon eyed him up and down. Gillian had lost a lot of weight, you could see his bones even through his shirt. His eyes were dull and empty.

"How is the..." Gillian started, his eyes lighted up for the smallest of seconds before he started to frown again, his hands waving in the air as he searched for the word. "The uuh.."


"Plan, the plan. How far is Robb with the plan?" Gillian looked up at Jon for a moment, knowing he had been discussing about it with Robb.

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