For the watch

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"As far as I know I just wanted to do what was right, I just don't know what that is anymore." - Captain America, Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The morning was cold that day in Winterfell, just as it always was. The party that was heading towards the Night's watch was readying their horses. Robb was glad but also devastated by their leave. He would lose his brother Jon but the imp, Tyrion Lannister was going to leave too. Robb hated the Lannisters even though he had no real reason to. He guessed that it was just a gut feeling while in reality his suspicons were true. 

Elena stood shivering next to Robb, they were waiting to say their goodbyes to Jon. Robb hadn't left her side since their fight, he was afraid that she would run away even after she had agreed to stay with him. 

Not that he was wrong to think that, Elena was thinking about leaving still. She just couldn't bear the thought of Jon leaving. She looked up at Robb who was standing next to her. He had his mask on, his face was empty of any emotion, he looked stern and stood up straight. He always looked like that when they were outside.

Elena sighed and looked back at Jon who they were walking towards. 

"Next time I see you, you will be all in black." Robb smiled at his brother and patted him on the back.

"It was always my color." Jon smiled back. His eyes turned towards Elena, who was standing there with tears filling her eyes. She looked down, avoiding Jon's eyes. Robb noticed the lack of reaction from her so he took her hand and squeezed in reassuringly.

"Don't freeze up there, will you?" Elena sighed and looked up at the dark brown eyes of her friend. She took in a shaky breath and looked back down.

"I won't." Jon smiled, his heart silently breaking at the sight of Elena's eyes. He took her into his arms and hugged her tightly, pulling her trembling body against his.

"Say goodbye to Gillian for me, will you?" Jon's voice broke a little, only Elena noticed it though. Gillian couldn't be there, he was with his father back at his own home. Robb was saying goodbye to Benjen, his uncle who was also leaving.

"I will if you take care of yourself out there." Elena buried her head in the soft cloak Jon was wearing. "Don't get stabbed to death or anything."

"I won't, don't worry." Jon chuckled sadly and let Elena go.

"And watch out for those men out there, they can't be trusted." Elena urged on, trying the warn Jon for all the dangers life at the watch could bring.

"They won't hurt me, they will be my brothers." Jon smiled genuinely at Elena, he was happy to know that she worried, it meant that she truly cared for him.

"And you better stay with Robb, you may be a guardian but you also need protection." Jon looked at his brother, silently asking him to look out for his friend. Robb nodded, understanding what Jon was asking.

"I promise." Elena said. Jon nodded, relieved and ready to go.

"Farewell, Snow." Robb smiled at him.

"And you, Stark, Elena." Jon nodded at them. He then walked away without looking back, leaving his brother and friend behind. Never would he have thought what kind of horrors the future would bring. If he had known, he would've never left them.

"Are you all right?" Robb whispered and took Elena's hand in his, something he never did in public.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Elena sighed deeply, her guts telling her to follow Jon. Her heart on the other hand was telling her to stay her with Robb, so that's what she did.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now