The lion's den

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It had been a month since Elena had left Harrenhal. Left everything actually except for Loki. The journey had passed rather peacefully, nobody ever dared to even say anything to Elena. Maybe it was because the whole time she had a frown on her face. They had just arrived in Kings Landing, riding through the streets towards the Red Keep.

Elena was tired and had a hard time not falling off her horse. The journey had tired her, every night she was awoken by either a nightmare or some random soldier that was being too drunk to care about anyone. She'd just leave the tent, lift Loki into her arms and sit somewhere outside, looking at the stars. She'd imagine Robb doing the same, just staring out there and at the stars. Wondering where the other was and how he/she was doing.

Loki was walking right beside her, he had grown a lot but he was still a pup. Which meant that he also was still very active every night. Usually though when Elena was really tired, he'd somehow know that and lay beside her, snuggled against her belly and fall asleep there.

Even though he was still small he seemed to warm Elena through the night.

Elena grasped the reins tighter in her hands when the crowd seemed to dense. They were all looking at her, probably remembering her from the last time she had come here. Back then she wasn't exactly friendly with the Lannisters but now she was going to marry one. It was quite the contrast. Last time she'd flown right into the throne room with her armour and weapons ready but now she was riding on a horse with her weapons and armour taken, with only a dress covering her body.

Elena looked at his back. Jaime was riding in front of the group, his golden armour shining in the burning sun. In the last month he hadn't said a word to her, not that she cared. He would usually only stare at her, taking her in and then riding towards the front of the group, never to be seen again.

Something was wrong in Kings Landing, something was growing in the shadows unseen yet seen. Elena could feel it, the accusing eyes of the citizens following their every move. Most seemed rather poor. Their clothes were torn, their bodies covered in dirt and what not. There was an huge difference between the poor and the rich in King's Landing, maybe that was what was causing all the trouble.

Elena had heard about the high sparrow and his followers, about the uprising of the faith. She also heard about Cersei's atonement and couldn't help but feel revenged. Within a week her trial would take place and as would Loras's.

"Are you going to stay there all day or are you coming off your horse?" Jaime spoke to her.

"What?" Elena snapped back to reality, suddenly realizing that they were already in the Red Keep's stables. Jaime stood there, looking at her and seemed rather annoyed.

"King Tommen wants to see you." Jaime rolled his eyes and watched as Elena dismounted her horse and picked up her wolf. His eyes fixated on the tiny pup for a moment. "I'd suggest you kill that beast now before we'll have to take the necessary precautions."

"He's just a pup, he won't hurt anyone unless you give him reason to." Elena snapped and held Loki tighter against her chest. The wolf felt her defensive attitude and immediately began to growl at Jaime, baring his teeth.

"You know what happened to the last wolf that passed us, right?" Jaime raised his eyebrows at her attitude. He wasn't really accustomed to people talking back to him like that.

"And you know what happened to the last person that threatened someone I cared about?" Elena narrowed her eyes but Jaime didn't seem faced. "Loki's the only thing I've got left from my family. I will raise him well." She reasoned.

"We'll see about that." Jaime turned around and walked towards the entrance of the keep, leading Elena to the Throne Room. On the way there Elena looked around at the courtyard of the red keep. She could feel someone's eyes on her but when she looked around she didn't see anyone but guards standing there. So she looked up and there she saw her, Cersei, staring down at her from her balcony. Cersei didn't do anything, just stared down at Elena with a threatening glare.

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