An unexpected arrival

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"Sometimes to go up, you have to go down first."

"Lift your arm!" Robb yelled while practicing with Elena. She didn't listen to him, making Robb hit her with the wooden sword where she should've defended herself.

"Seven hells, Elena. Why can't you just lift your arm?" Robb sighed while looking at Elena who was now lying on the floor, looking at the skin where Robb's sword had hit her.

She mumbled something Robb couldn't understand while she slowly got up from the floor, brushing the dirt from her blue dress.

"I've been saying it over a hundred times now. Why can't you just listen?" Robb complained, clearly irritated. He had been training her for a few months now, yet they had made no progress. Elena was too proud to follow his advises.

"Because I could easily defeat you with my powers. But since I'm not allowed to use them..." Elena rolled her eyes and picked up her wooden sword with a groan.

"I'm here to train you in sword fighting, Elena, not in your little guardian powers." Robb sighed and raised his sword again. "Now please, just raise your goddamn arm and defend yourself."

"Can we stop, please?" Elena sighed and sat down on the bench behind her. All these training sessions were stressing her out. She just couldn't find out how she felt about Robb. Sometimes he was this gentle and caring man but other times he was demanding and angry.

"What's going on?" Robb asked and sat down next to Elena. She buried her head in her arms and sighed deeply.

"Do we really have to go to Robbert Baratheon's nameday?" Elena mumbled while still hiding. She had to leave Arya, Jon and Gillian behind just because Eddard wanted Robb and her to join him. Maybe there was a reason why Ned wanted her to come with him but she just couldn't see why.

"Yes, we do." Robb sighed and layed his sword down on the ground.

"Why us?" Elena mumbled.

"Father thinks that we still hate each other. He wants us to come with him to make sure we don't kill one another." Robb chuckled.

"Still hate each other? You think we don't?" Elena looked up at Robb and raised her eyebrows.

"Elena..." Robb sighed and closed his eyes.

"You just hit me with a wooden sword!" Elena exclaimed and got off the bench.

"You think that when the time comes, your enemies won't?" Robb chuckled.

"You could've been gentler." Elena huffed and crossed her arms before her chest.

"Like I was during our archery lesson? When you couldn't concentrate simply because I had my hands on your waist? You want me to be like that so you can start blushing again?" Robb laughed at Elena, teasing her.

"I wasn't blushing! I just felt very uncomfortable by your unwanted touch." Elena protested. She hadn't thought that Robb had noticed it, she remembered that she had been shivering under his touch.

"Unwanted touch?" Robb laughed even harder than before, especially because he saw Elena's cheeks reddening.

"Yes!" Elena exclaimed. Robb laughed even harder after that.

"Alright, fine." Elena huffed and turned to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Robb immediatelly got up from the bench and grasped Elena's arm to stop her from walking away.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now