A new commander

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Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

"You weren't there when the commander was chosen." Steve stated when he walked towards Damon who was staring at the land beyond the wall.

" Who won?" Damon asked, too lazy to look into Steve's mind. He had a lot on his own, he needed to sort everything out. To do that he couldn't let himself dive into someone else's head.

" Jon Snow, just as you predicted." Steve let out a deep breath when he sat down next to Damon.

They remained silent for a while, just looking at the land. Steve still had a Thousand questions to ask the dark guardian, but he never asked them. He was way too proud anyway, the two hated but cared for each other at the same time. They never admitted they cared for each other like brothers do.

" We're leaving for Winterfell tomorrow." Steve said after a while. " Stannis is coming with us now. So are his wife and child."

"Nobody is staying here with the new commander?" Damon asked.

" No, why would anyone stay here?" Steve frowned and looked at Damon while his feet were dangling off the Wall.

"The men of the Night's Watch don't like Jon very much." Damon stated. He didn't need to read people's minds to know that, it was evident on their faces. Maybe half of the men here had chosen Jon but the other half hated him with everything they had.

" Are you coming with us?" Steve asked.

"I am."

"You know you'd have to fight him, right? He's in Winterfell with Ramsay." Steve said and looked back at the forest.

" I know."

"Are you really ready to kill him?" Steve frowned. He knew Damon and the other were first really close until... Well, until that happened.

" He killed my wife and children, Steven. He's not what he used to be before." Damon's eyes turned black again, the anger filling his entire body. He had always kept it a secret, what he used to be and why he turned this way. Steve and the other one were the only people who knew about his family.

"Before you kill him, you will have to tell Elena. She deserves to know." Steve said.

"She will try to stop me."

"That's why you need to tell her." Steve turned to him again, his eyes looking into the black eyes of his friend. Damon took in a deep breath to try and not push Steven off the wall or drive a sword through his belly right there and then.

"Or I will."


"Are you sure about this?" Elena looked at Robb as they readied their horses.

"If I told her to come with us she wouldn't anyway. We have no say in this." Robb said as he looked at Arya. She refused to leave Jon again and come with Elena and Robb. If it wasn't for the battle they marched towards Elena would've made Arya come with them. But right now she was safer in Castle Black, especially now that Jon was chosen as the new commander.

"Either way, I would've let her stay because I don't trust Stannis for one bit. I can't lose her, not now." Robb frowned when Arya and Jon walked towards them, ready to say their goodbyes.

"I'm going to miss you." Elena smiled at Arya and hugged her tightly, she had to kneel down a bit to look her in the eye. "Show those men here what it is like to be a true warrior."

"I want you to have this," Arya took out a dagger from her belt and gave it to Elena. "Gillian gave it to me before you two left for the battle. It belongs to you." Arya smiled when Elena took it in her hands. It was Gillian's favourite dagger, it was his father's only gift to him.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now