Dragon's blood

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"Let's fight a war."

Ever since that day the war of the guardians had begun. At first it seemed like a normal war, the sieges, the battles, the losses. Later on though people noticed just how different this time was. Not only because of the guardians that were fighting in it but because of the hope that most soldiers had.

Just like Robb planned the army moved to Casterly Rock, destroying every city with its houses on his way there. What he hadn't seen coming was Stannis who soon joined their fight. The extra men were needed but Stannis himself was another story. Robb seemed to hesitate whether or not to let Stannis aid them but he knew he needed his men. The question of what comes after the war seemed unimportant.

With the four guardians by his side he seemed more confident in his choices. Steven was always there to help him with the strategies and make up new ones if necessary, Damon always pointed out the mistakes before they could happen, preventing Robb from sending his men towards their deaths.

Even though Damon strongly advised against it, Robb continued to capture more and more of his enemies instead of killing them. Just like last time he took more hostages than he had provisions for but he couldn't kill them in cold blood.

Steven and Damon were his trusted advisors to say the least, even more so than his bannermen who had fought by his side even before the others. But Edmure Tully and the Blackfish, his uncles were his most trusted bannermen. They always aided him in battle when the guardians could not. His most trusted advisor though was and always will be his Elena.

She always supported him in every choice he made but not without pointing out the consequences. If he'd made a mistake, she was there to help him make it better or to soothe the pain it caused him. The two grew closer again through time even after everything that had happened.

Jaime still lingered in the back of Elena's mind. Just like the thought of the other innocent men they were raging war against. Robb was there for her on that matter, to point out the reason behind their attacks. If it wasn't for revenge for Eddard, it was for the others they had lost and the destruction Cersei would bring on Westeros.

When the news came that Jaime had been captured and held in the prisons of King's Landing by Cersei himself, Elena grew more confident. Even though she had yet to succeed in convincing Robb that Jaime was innocent, she had hope that she could save him after all that he had done for her.

With the final battle in sight Elena knew she needed to become even stronger. She remembered the promise Damon made, that he'd train her to control the darkness. Even after the last time she had conjured fire she didn't lose hope of controlling it. Maybe it was because she was stubborn.

"The darkness is something you can't just control in a few months." Damon told her after she'd asked him. He paced in front of her on the training grounds of one of the castles they had just taken. They were both clad in armour from the battle before. "Especially after everything that has happened to you it will take years. I don't even know if I can teach you."

Elena nodded and glanced at the ground beneath hr feet. Damon took in a deep breath and straightened his back. "Buutt..." He dragged the word out at which Elena's head shot up so she could look at him. "I can teach you something else." He smiled and walked towards Elena, circling around her with his hands clasped around his back.

"Telekinesis is one of the strongest powers a guardian can possess. It is easy to learn, if you have the right teachers." He stopped before her, looking at her face while smirking. "Just so happens you have. I will teach you how to use it and Liane, he will show you how to control it."

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now