Alternate ending: A guardian's blessing

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Requested by: @blubb456, give her a follow! You're amazing :)


"Please, take care of them." Elena spoke to Damon as her breath formed tiny clouds.

"ELENAA!!!" Robb yelled at the top of his lungs and tried to run towards her. Only Steven had grasped his collar and pulled him back, holding him firmly as he thrashed and cried out. His protests stopped though as his eyes locked with Elena's for one last time.

"Please." He whimpered softly. She sadly smiled at him before pulling her arms towards her chest. The building collapsed right down on them, on Stannis, Melisandre, Ser Davos, the battalion of soldiers and Elena.

When the rubble had settled and the dust was cleared, all that was left was a pile of rubble. Somewhere in the middle the top swords of the Iron Throne poked out from under the piles of glass and stone. Other than that, there was nothing. Not even a sound or a whimper.

"Elena?!" Damon quickly flew towards the top of the pile, knowing that only 3 metres down she was buried under the rubble. He began to lift the large chunks of stone with the help of Steven, both trying desperately to hold onto hope while Robb fell down to his knees. "Elena! Please, if you hear us, say something!"

There was one last piece of rubble that they had to lift to reach the bottom. Steven and Damon both looked at each other, their faces contorted into fear. They simultaneously grasped the edges and threw it away, revealing multiple bodies that were laying on the floor.

"Elena?" Robb ran towards her after seeing her body. He knelt down on the stone, his hand reaching out for her wings and softly touching the top of it. "Say something, please." He whimpered.

Instead of saying something, her wings moved slightly beneath his touch which resulted in everyone letting out a surprised gasp.

"Elena!" Robb moved her so he could hold her in his arms, letting her head rest on his shoulder as she struggled to open her eyes. "You're going to be all right, you're fine." He whispered as tears of happiness fell down his cheeks.

"Robb..." Her voice was croaked as she fought to move. "Have I ever told you how much I hate official meetings?"

"I don't believe you have." He laughed through his tears as he rocked her body in his arms. Damon sat down before him, examining his sister's body as he smiled broadly.

"How are you feeling?" Damon asked.

"It think I broke a few ribs." Elena smiled through the pain as she moved in Robb's arms. "And I-I can't... I can't feel my wings, Damon, I can't feel them." Instead of laughing she started to cry. "I can't feel them."

"Sssh, calm down." Robb soothed her while Damon started examining her wings and back. He let out a deep breath after seeing the hole in her dress and a huge bruise forming on her back, right at the spot where her wings came out of her torso.

Robb glanced at Damon for answers, his eyes filled with desperation. Damon only shook his head and bowed down, sighing deeply. "I'm sorry." He whispered.


A few months later

The morning breeze swept through the window and then Elena's hair, warming her exposed skin and filling her nostrils with the smell of the sea. She breathed it in deeply and closed her eyes as the sunshine warmed her, enjoying the feeling as she tied the bedsheets a bit tighter around her body.

Liane told her the day before that her wounds had healed almost perfectly. Only scars remained. Some injuries couldn't be healed though, some were permanent. He had been sure about her wings, the crash had crushed her bones and injured her nerves there. Liana explained that she could never fly again.

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