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"A human being can survive almost everything, as long as she sees the end in sight."

"What are his plans?!" Ramsay asked again, his face close to Elena's as his eyes burned into hers.

"I don't know!" Elena bit on her lip when Ramsay dragged the knife further down her cheek, trying to contain her screams. He had been going on like this for an hour, there were multiple wounds covering her whole body.

"Do you see him over there?" Ramsay asked while pointing at Louis, a grin covering his face. "Just one more blow, kick or scratch and he's going to die."

"Now, I'm going to ask you again," Ramsay grasped Elena's jaw and forced her to look at him. "What are your sweet Northern king's plans?"

Elena looked at Louis, seeing how his skin was glowing and his face pale. There were big bags under his eyes and his whole body was shaking. It had been two weeks now that they had been locked up in there, every day the fever would get worse. Ramsay's endless torments didn't make it any better. She diverted her eyes away from him, unable to bear the sight.

"Go and fuck yourself." Elena growled and looked back at Ramsay. She forced herself to stay strong, Something that became almost impossible to be. She narrowed her eyes at him, not caring about what he would do to her. She would never betray Robb, not even for this.

"Fine then." Ramsay said and then suddenly drove his knife into Elena's belly, missing her organs but succeeding in bringing her unbearable pain. Elena screamed in agony, her body jolting in the chains.

"I will find out myself." Ramsay made a sharp turn towards the door after he had looked at her until she had calmed down. Elena saw something falling out of his pockets, two needles. She quickly looked away again, trying to conceal the fact that she saw that.

She looked as Ramsay left the room and immediately let out a cry. The knife was still in her belly, her hands were chained above her. She bit on her lip, telling herself to man up. Taking in a deep breath she looked up again, shutting the pain out.

"Louis?" Elena loudly whispered as she looked at the mob of hair on the other side of the room.

"Louis?!" She called again, fearing he had already left. Her eyes found the two needles on the ground, a few feet away.

She tried reaching for them with her hands but failed. With her feet though, she had a chance. Soft whimpers fell from her lips as she stretched her leg towards the needles, her toe nearly touching the metal.

"Got it." Elena sighed in relief when she reached the two pieces of metal and brought them closer to her. She clenched them between her toes and lifted her feet towards her right hand, taking them between her fingers.

"Louis, hold on, I've got a plan." Elena looked at Louis as he groaned in response, too weak to answer in proper words.

"I just need to..." Elena reached up to the lock, trying to open it with the two needles. She lifted her body up, her legs winding around the chain above her so she could reach her hands. Keeping in her screams of agony, she first pulled the knife out of her belly.

"Com'on.." Elena groaned and continued trying to open the lock even though she was afraid one of the needles might break. She had learned how to pick a lock on a chest or door from Gillian. The only thing that was different from then was that she was now chained herself and heavily wounded. Not to forget; she was hanging upside down.

"Got it!" Elena cheered silently in victory, one of her hands released. It was easier to open the lock on her other hand with the other free. She fell to the ground after she had released her other hand. Her feet almost gave up when she got up.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now