Dear brother

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The problem is that I care way too much about people who don't give a shit about me.

"Last time I saw him was in Winterfell. He said: next time I see you, you will be all in black." Jon said as he looked at the letter that Sam had given him. They were in Castle Black. Outside the building the men were practicing for the battle to come in the cold, hard weather. Jon had just returned from beyond the wall, from the wildlings.

He missed Ygritte so much but he knew his loyalty laid with the black and not with the wildlings. It was a hard choice to make, but he had chosen for the wall.

"I was jeaulous of Robb my whole life." Jon said and turned towards Sam with the letter still in his hand, trying his best not to burst out in tears. "The way my father looked at him, I wanted that. He was better than me at everything; fighting, hunting, riding and girls." Jon chuckled at the last word.

"I wanted to hate him but I never could." Jon's face looked grimm, he was concerned for his brother. The letter that he was given didn't say he was dead, but it made it obvious that there was a big chance he was.

"We don't know for sure he's dead yet." Samm tried to lighten the mood, he hated it to see Jon sad. "And by the way, you're also better than me at everything."

Jon raised an eyebrow at Samm.

"Except for reading of course." Sam added with a small smile on his face. The two laughed at that.

"Now the wildlings are coming and we have no chance whatsoever to beat them." Jon sighed and sat on the bed with a plump.

"Don't say that." Sam whined and walked towards Jon. "We've got a lot great swordsmen like you to hold the castle."

"I don't know if I can fight them." Jon looked at his lap. "After everything I've done with them, climbing the wall, eating and I even slept with one, I don't know if I can kill them."

"Maybe I won't even make it till the battle, maybe they will hang me for treason or for breaking my vows." Jon looked at his dire wolf, Ghost who was sleeping in the corner of the room.

"They won't kill you, they need you now more than ever." Sam encouraged him, like he always does. Jon looked up at his friend. He had never expected to become brothers with him, first he hated him for being a coward and for being, well... fat. But now Sam was truly like a brother to him.

Jon smiled as he looked up at him, trying to encourage himself.

"I hope you're right."


"Your grace," Gillian came barging in the tent, holding a letter in his hands. "I think you might want to see this."

Robb looked up from the map, he had been thinking what to do next. With his sister back at his side he had gained new courage to get back his other sister who was still in King's Landing.

"What is it?" Robb walked towards Gillian and took the letter from his hands.

"I, Roose Bolton hereby claim the dominion of The North and swear feilty to his grace Joffrey Baratheon as his new warden of the North?" Robb read out loud. His eyebrows furrowed as he read the letter. "How can he claim the North when I'm still living?"

"Everyone thinks you're dead." Elena said and walked towards Robb so she could read the letter too. "Besides, his troops will have probably taken the North by now, seeing we're still here doing nothing."

"We don't have the troops to do anything Elena." Robb looked at her, remembering the times when he could still hate her. It would've been a lot easier for him now if he could. "Not after this traitor tried to kill me." Robb referred to Roose Bolton and threw the letter to the ground.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now