Far away

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"How long till we can get her back?" Robb sat in his throne in the great hall of Winterfell, looking at Steven who was leaning against one of the tables.

"Your grace, it's only been 5 weeks now." Steven looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are they waiting for? We both know that the Lannisters hate us with everything they've got and will kill us if they have the chance." Robb began to pace in front of Steven.

"I don't think the Lannisters will start a war any time soon. They have their own problems to attend to first." Steven said and Robb hummed in response, not satisfied with the answer. "I understand that you miss her, Robb, but starting a war won't help."

"Soon they will marry her to Jaime." Robb laid his crown on one of the tables. "They will make her bear his children, the man who stabbed her father in the back, eat with her brother that killed her best friend and captured her other brother. And what am I doing? Sitting here, locked up in a castle with only unimportant matters left to attend to."

"They're not necessarily unimportant." Steven shrugged and looked at Robb with sympathy.

"They are. All the important matters like rebuilding a castle, helping bannermen in need after the war, the wall and wildlings, deserters and killers have already been attended to." Robb huffed. "Now I'm here, deciding whether or not some farm boy will get a piece of gold for his goat."

Steven sighed, looking at the floor. As a hand of the king he was there to give Robb advice and help him in these matters. If he had to be honest himself, he was also getting quite bored. All the commands had been given, now they could only wait till they were either carried out or completed.

"Elena knew what she signed up for." Steven said. He knew that the whole reason for Robb's tantrum was because he missed her dearly. "She knew the consequences of her actions, she knew what she'll have to do."

"You know she would do everything if it means saving other people. She never looks out for herself." Robb sighed. "And that's what worries me. Who out there, in King's Landing, would look after her if she's not doing it herself?"


"Daddy!!!" The door barged open and a little kid with black hair and bashing blue eyes stormed inside and towards Steven.

"Hey there, little guy." Steven chuckled and lifted him up the moment his son came near. "Where's your mother?"

Robb chuckled, walking closer to Steven and one of his sons, Castiel. Steven had quite a lot of children. 5 to be exact. There were the twins, Michael and Gabriel. Castiel, a boy of 4 was the youngest of the group. Then you had Charlie and Meg, the two beautiful sisters.

"Castiel!" A woman barged in, looking around frantically. Her golden locks fell before her slightly reddened face, her brown eyes widening when she spotted Robb. "Your grace, I'm so sorry. He just suddenly dashed off."

"It's okay, Lady Mary, You have nothing to apologize for." Robb said with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Here you are, back to your mother." Steven carefully handed Castiel over to his mother. He kissed her on the forehead afterwards, holding her cheek. "Let's get you back to your grandfather."

"I'm sure Chuck will be delighted to see him." Robb smiled and walked closer to Mary. Steven's family had arrived a week back and already Robb liked them. They had much of Steven's kindness.

"After all those years I don't think Cas really wants to part from you again, Steve, not even for an hour." Mary sighed when Cas struggled in her hold.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now