One last time

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"For the watch."

20 hours earlier

"She just jumped at her?" Robb's voice woke her. His voice was confused and loud, Elena could hear him pacing across the room. When her eyes slightly opened, she just wanted to fall back asleep. Her head was pounding like crazy.

"Basically, yes." Damon sighed. He leaned against the wall on the other side of the chamber, his arms crossed in front of his chest. It's not that he didn't understand why Elena did it, it's the fact that she didn't listen when he told her to stop that angered him.

"Out of the blue?"


"So you hit her?" Robb growled, obviously not content with what happened.

"She would've killed her." Damon objected.

"You could've killed her! Just a little bit more force and Elena could've been dead now!" Robb yelled angrily. Elena sighed and kept her eyes closed, her headache was already killing her.

"But she isn't." Damon shrugged. "She's my sister, little princess, do you really think I would ever hurt her without any reason?"

"I don't know, would you?!" Robb said. There were a few moments of silence before Robb finally noticed what Damon just said. "Wait, what?!"

"Elena is perfectly fine, your grace, she just needs some time to heal." Steven said calmly while pressing a cloth against the side of his head, trying to stop the bleeding. Elena had knocked him out when she send him flying towards the wall. Besides an enormous headache there was nothing wrong with him.

"I think you'd better start those lessons right after she wakes up, Damon. We can't afford any further accidents like this." Steven remarked.

"I know. But I fear she's already in too deep." Damon sighed.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." Robb held his hand up. He then paused for a moment, looking at Damon. "Your sister?!"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"She's your sister?" Robb asked.

"Since the day she was born, smart ass."

"What?" Robb looked at him wide eyed.

"You know, when a man and a woman meet and they you know, make love and they have several children?" Damon explained, mocking Robb.

"I know but... What?" Robb continued to be confused, eyeing Damon up and down.

"They're bastards of Aegon Targaryen and Katherine Shadow." Steven explained.

"They don't even look alike." Robb said.

"Damon takes after his mother and Elena after her father."

"But she has her mother's eyes." Damon mumbled quietly.

Elena felt the weight on the mattress shift as Robb sat down next to her body. She felt his hand laying down on her own, the warmth radiating from his skin.

"I never knew." Robb mumbled.

"Neither did she." Damon said. "Just before Ethan went completely crazy he send her to a friend of his in the North, to take care of her. I never knew until a few weeks back."

"We never told her, we thought it'd be best if she-" Steven was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." Robb muttered.

"Your grace." The man bowed and then handed him a letter. "There was a letter from the Night's Watch."

"Thank you, Eric, you can go now." Robb said, just as his mother always told him to.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now