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"Fainted?" Sam mumbled while his hand reached up to his head. He wobbled on his feet and tried to regain balance by leaning against a dresser. "I never faint..."

"Maybe I should take a look at you." The maester stepped forward.

"There will be no need for that." Elena put her hand up, signalling for him to stop. "Thank you for coming, maester, but you're not needed here anymore."

"My lady-"

"Felicity please get my hood." Elena interrupted before her handmaiden could finish her sentence. She nodded wearily and grasped the hood, handing it to Elena while eyeing her carefully. Elena didn't pay attention to her though, she only watched as the maester left. She knew what the man had done to who used to be the Mountain but was now some kind of monster, even more than before.

"Are you going out, my lady?" Angelina asked.

"Yes, I am. Sam is going to introduce me to a friend of his." Elena's hands were shaking but nobody seemed to notice.

"What?" Sam was still busy trying to regain balance. Whatever happened to him sure had made an impact on his body, he felt like he had run a million miles in an hour. "I am?"

"My lady, it's past midnight." Felicity said as she helped Elena put her hood over her wings and made sure that the pearly white feathers were hidden.

"It is indeed." Elena adjusted the hood till it was no longer uncomfortable and turned around to face her handmaidens and squires. "Angelia, Felicity, should anyone ask for me tell them I'm here and that I'm not to be disturbed in any case."

"Are you coming Sam?" Elena left her room and handmaidens behind as she walked through the castle and towards the stables where her horse was waiting for her. Loki quickly followed her, his tiny paws making no sound against the stone.

"Might I ask what has gotten into you?" Sam nearly stumbled over on the stairs.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Elena opened the cage of her horse and strapped a saddle on the back of it.

"You know that when you leave just past midnight it will raise suspicions." Sam followed her lead and saddled his own horse.

"Only if we're caught." Elena mounted her horse and took the reins in her hands.

"So where were we going exactly?"

"Liane."  Elena put her horse into a gallop towards the gates, her hood waving in the wind behind her.


"Fuck." Elena cursed and turned towards Sam. "Wait for me just past the sept of baelor by the fountain." Sam hesitated but when Elena narrowed her eyes he quickly obliged and spurred his horse. Elena stepped off of hers as Jaime practically ran towards her.

"Jaime! What a surprise." She put on a fake smile and turned towards him. "As happy I am to see you I'm in a hurry. So goodnight."

"You know that I won't be able to protect you if you keep doing this." He said as he stood before Elena.

"Doing what?"

"Leaving at midnight, going places but not telling us where. That raises suspicions, especially when you're the Stark's guardian." Jaime said. "I may not care what you're doing but my sister does."

"I don't care what your sister thinks I'm doing. I don't care what she or anyone else here thinks about me. So leave me be and let me go." Elena growled.

Jaime didn't though, he grasped her wrist and yanked her back towards him when she had turned around to leave. "I've already sticked up for you one time, I won't do it again." He warned her.

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now