Battle of life and death -part 2: Jaime's demise

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"Having any second thoughts yet?" Damon looked at Jaime's back as they were navigating through the tunnels beneath the Red Keep.

"Of course I am." Jaime didn't even pretend, something Elena knew he wouldn't do. "Not only am I betraying my family, I'm also betraying my honor."

"As if you ever had any honor left." Damon growled, looking around himself to find anything that he'd recognize in the dark and moisty tunnels.

Jaime stopped in his tracks and slowly turned towards Damon, his eyes narrowing to slits. "What could you possibly know about my honor?"

"Jaime." Elena sighed, knowing this was bad news. "We don't have time for this." She continued when Jaime and Damon kept on glaring at each other. "And Damon, if you don't shut up I will freeze you to the ground."

Damon scoffed but Jaime chuckled, turning back around to continue his path to the surface.

"How can you possibly trust him?" Damon's voice rang through Elena's head.

"Believe it or not, he's not as bad as people make them up to be. He's got a bad reputation, sure, but he is a good man. He's just misunderstood."

"Misunderstood." Elena heard Damon scoff behind her.

"So why exactly are you betraying everything you know?" Sam spoke up after some time.

"Because last time a king or queen sat on that throne who'd happily burn everyone to kill a few of his or her enemies, it didn't end that well." Jaime explained. Finally there was a light at the end of the tunnel, quite literally. Jaime unlocked the gate and entered one of the halls of the keep.

"Still don't trust him."

"You might want to take the stairs to the left." Jaime turned towards Damon and Liane since they were going to search for Ethan.

"How do I know you're not sending us right into a trap?" Damon questioned, making Elena roll her eyes.

"Because I want Ethan dead just as much as you do." Jaime answered truthfully.

"You're wrong." Damon said as he turned to the left, descending from the stairs. "I don't want my brother dead." He turned to face Jaime again at the end of the staircase. "I just want to protect him from the darkness inside of him."

Jaime nodded and Damon left with Liane, running towards the courtyard where they'd open the gate for Robb and after that, distract Ethan so the battle may be fair.

"Follow me." Jaime took the stairs to the right which led to one of the towers. "My sister is keeping your children in the highest tower." He said as he climbed the stairs. "They're probably guarded by Glegaine-"

Elena didn't hear the rest of it for she was distracted by the view. They were already more than 40 feet above ground which granted her the overall view of the city.

"The spell worked." She muttered as she watched the light blue ghosts from afar. The lower city was glowing from them for they hadn't breached the inner gates yet.

"Is this you?" Sam asked as he caught a few snowflakes in his hand. Since it was night you couldn't see the dark clouds that were hanging in the sky nor the snow storm that was coming. But it was there and for the first time in forever King's Landing was covered in snow.

"I guess so." Elena mumbled, looking down at her arms that were wholly frozen. She then tried to see where Robb was but through the dense storm and the darkness of the night she could only see the eerie glow of the ghosts that were crowding the city.

When Jaime discovered they weren't following him anymore, he took a few steps back till he was back in sight. "Are you coming?"


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