The escape

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Running away from your problems won't solve anything in the end.

Elena's eyes widened and her heartbeat quickened when she saw Robb storming towards her. She couldn't figure out what he was planning to do, his face held no emotions whatsoever.

He did walk towards her with furious steps though, making her afraid of what he was going to do. He did try to kill her last time they saw each other, they hadn't solved anything so Elena couldn't hope on any other outcome.

She wasn't planning to die though. Her wings unwrapped from behind her back when she turned around and walked the other way. When she was out of his sight after she had turned around a corner, she flew up and then landed on the top of the building.

She silently sat down on the cold roof that was made out of hay while looking down beneath her. Robb came into her sight but he didn't see her, why would he look up?

Elena heard him groan and sigh deeply. He turned around a few times, searching for her. Robb sighed again and then slowly walked away.

"Is he troubling you?" A voice from behind her startled Elena, she jumped slightly and looked up at him.

"He was." Elena sighed and then smiled up at Steven who sat down next to her, looking at Robb's back that became smaller and smaller from his point of view.

"Isn't that Robb Stark?" Steve frowned when he recognized the King.

"Yes." Elena looked down at her hands. How was she ever going to solve this with Robb? Did she really have to flee every time he's around just like she did before?

"I thought you two were together, you told me you protected him." Steve frowned while he kindly looked at Elena.

"I do, I just..." Elena sighed and looked up at Steven's kind blue eyes. "He tried to kill me last time we saw each other. He was under control off the Lannister's guardian."

"Is he still?" Steven asked.

"I don't know, that's what frightens me the most. I don't know when he's under control or how I could stop it." Elena looked down at the courtyard. Robb's army was still marching in, it had grown since the last time Elena saw it. Arya also arrived in Castle Black, she was staring up in awe, the immense wall towering over her.

"Sooner or later you will have to talk with him, running away won't help." Steven stated and also looked at Arya. She let out a shriek when she saw Jon, who opened his arms for her. Arya ran into him and enveloped him into a crushing hug, making Jon chuckle in delight and relieve.

"I know." Elena sighed but smiled when she saw Jon and Arya together. Robb soon joined the two, his shoulders where still slumped and a frown was still covering his face but he smiled at the two and laughed with them.

Seeing the family together reminded Elena about hers. She had no idea who she actually was or who she was meant to be. Elena was afraid of the answer when it came to her parents. Will it change her when she finds out who they are? Will it change her feelings and thoughts about the Starks or the war in general?

Elena didn't want to change, that she knew for sure. She took out the doll and looked at it. She remembered what Gillian had told her, it held a secret about someone. Not just a secret but a secret that will change everything.

Elena was scared of change though. She didn't dare to reveal the secret, afraid of what consequences it might bring. So she did what she always does when it comes to her problems; she ran away from them.


"Elena!!" Arya whined while jumping on Elena's bed, trying to make her get up. She had already missed breakfast, Elena just didn't get out of bed no matter what the servants tried.

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