The wars to come

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"I see humans but no humanity."

It was the sunlight that shone through the window that waked Elena from her sleep. Her eyes squinted as the bright light burned her eyes, softly groaning while moving to avoid the light.

When something moved under her, her eyes snapped open immediately, trying to find out where she was. She saw her own hand lying on someone's bare chest which was rising and falling slowly, she could hear his heartbeat.

She moved her body more, trying to confirm that it was Robb and not some man of The Watch. Luckily it was Robb's arm that was draped around her waist and his hand that was on her thigh.

Elena sighed deeply and laid her chin on his chest, looking at his face as he was sleeping. He did look adorable, his curls in a mess on his forehead, his mouth slightly opened. He did not look a king at all, he just looked like a normal boy.

"Good morning, your grace." Elena chuckled when his eyes fluttered open.

"Mmh." He groaned, moving his body slightly to get comfortable.

"Good morning, my lady." Robb smiled, his arm tightening around her waist whilst his hand was slowly drawing circles on her bare skin.

"You know, for a moment there I thought that we were back in Winterfell." Robb closed his eyes again.

"Why? Because I'm naked?" Elena chuckled while drawing circles on his chest.

"No, no of course not." Robb laughed, his chest shaking because of it. He sighed with a smile still on his lips as he opened his eyes again.

"We're going to have a hard time making you a queen."

"A queen?" Elena raised her eyebrows, looking up at Robb. "You know, I don't think it's a good idea to make me queen. I mean, I always say what's on my mind no matter how blunt."

"I know." Robb laughed. "That's the problem."

"Don't start thinking about making me a queen yet, I'm not going to a wedding in the next 10 years. There's a curse on them, trust me." Elena sat up slightly, her hair falling over one shoulder.

"So you'll make me wait 10 years?" Robb opened one eye, he was still not accustomed to the light in the room.

"No, you can marry a highborn lady of your choosing as long as it's not a Frey or Lannister." Elena sat up, untangling herself from Robb and covering herself with the sheets.

"Elena." Robb groaned. "Please do not start this again."

"I'm only trying to protect you!" Elena protested.

"And I'm not going to marry someone I do not love."

"Then you'll have a hard time reigning the North." Elena said and stood up from the bed. Her legs slightly trembled, making her hold onto everything close to her to keep on standing. Robb noticed her struggle, chuckling to himself.

"I won't let you make the same mistake again, Robb. You know what your marriage with Talisa brought. I won't be the cause of other people's deaths because I couldn't let you go." Elena ranted, searching the room for her clothes. Robb didn't answer, he only let out a deep sigh.

"Get out of bed, you have a lot left to discuss with Stannis." Elena said as she picked up her dress from the floor.

"I'm starting to think that you're pretending to be my mother." Robb chuckled when Elena threw his pants towards him.

"Well I'd be a terrible mother, especially after tonight." Elena said whilst braiding her hair, she had already put on her light blue dress, it was tight around her waist and upper body with long sleeves to keep her warm.

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