All over again

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"Ahem." Robb cleared his throat after he had been silently watching Damon from afar. He didn't know how to say what he wanted to say. Above all he didn't know how Damon would react. After all these horrors Robb had been through he thought this one was going to be just as bad. That said something.

"What is it?" Damon briefly looked at Robb and then back at the view before him. He was sitting on one of the high walls, looking down at how his daughter was training Sansa and Ella. Abigail was now showing them how to hold a sword, starting with the basics. Ella didn't pay much attention though, she got distracted by a butterfly that was flying around her.

Robb sighed, knowing he's never have a decent conversation with Damon. Where normal people would address him with your grace Damon didn't even spare him a glance. Or he would just call him Little princess in that mocking tone of his.

"Your daughter is very skilled in combat." Robb muttered awkwardly as he came to stand next to Damon. He sighed, knowing that wasn't exactly a good cover-up.

"Just bloody ask what you were going to ask."

"Right." Robb cleared his throat. "I was thinking about how I was goingto ask this. Normally you'd ask someone's father but in this case I-"

"Why ask when the deed is already done?" Damon chuckled quietly to himself, sensing Robb's awkwardness.

"I beg your pardon?" Robb frowned.

"You already asked her, why now ask me?" Damon looked up at him with one of the biggest smirks plastered on his face.

"I, I-" Robb stuttered and then frowned. "What... How did you?"

"I can read your mind." Damon laughed and turned back to look at his daughter. He patted the spot next to him, gesturing for Robb to sit. "For a king you're quite slow."

"What would your answer have been?" Robb finally formed a complete sentence without stuttering. He sat down next to Damon and looked at him.

"I would've thought about it for a long time. Weighing the pros and cons." Damon sighed but then looked at Robb's eyes. "Finally I would decide that even though I wouldn't consent you'd still marry her."

Robb chuckled and nodded.

"That, that thought, also let me know that whatever has been going on between the two of you for the last years is something unbreakable. You may be a Stark and a king, may have a whole army behind your back all the time. You may also have a lot of enemies that hunt you down, you may have made a few horrible mistakes. That never changed much between my sister and you." Damon moved closer to Robb, pointing his finger at his heart. "I looked into your mind a few times, tried to find anything that would prevent me from saying yes. Nothing. I found nothing."

"Except for the part that you married that woman Talisa who's dead now. Elena forgave you for that so I will have to too."

"So..." Damon sighed, stretched his legs and looked back down at his daughter. "You have my consent on one condition which I know you'll follow. No matter what happens, protect her. She will be your first priority no matter what."

"She already is." Robb said, following Damon's gaze.

"I know." Damon said. "Just so you know, if you hurt her, no matter the reasons, I will kill you."

Robb nodded and then smiled brightly. "Thank you, Damon. This means a lot to me."

"Wait, one other thing." Damon held up his hand. Robb looked at him expectantly with one eyebrow raised. Damon turned towards him with a small smile playing on his lips. "Try not to get her pregnant before the war is over. She hates to skip a battle."

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now