A meeting in the woods

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"This is where I say my goodbyes." Gillian sighed. They were in front of an inn. Eddard, Robb and Elena were travelling towards King's Landing for king Robert's birthday. Only Gillian couldn't accompany them the whole way. His father had commanded him to come home, he had been gone for months.

"I'm going to miss you." Elena pouted and hugged Gillian tightly, breathing in the scent of his hair.

"Don't kill him." Gillian chuckled and withdrew from the hug. "Robb's mine to kill."

"Sure thing." Elena smiled. She was still shocked about the last time she saw Robb, he had kissed her. Since then Elena had been avoiding him, even during the journey. But now that Gillian was going she'd have no choice but to talk to him.

"Hey," Gillian smiled at her while putting his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. If he does something like that again just kick him right in the nuts and he would never even think about kissing you again."

"It's not him I'm worried about." Elena looked up at Gillian, seeing his expression change from happy to confused.

"What are you saying?" Gillian swallowed nervously, taking his hand of off her shoulder.

"You know what I mean." Elena tried to make him look at her.

"You love him." Gillian looked down at the ground while swallowing back the lump that was forming in his throat. He looked away at the trees beside them to try and hide the tears that were forming in his eyes.

"I know it's crazy but I..." Elena sighed and fiddled with her fingers, not really noticing how Gillian actually felt. "He has been almost nothing but an asshole towards me but still he..."

"There's no need to explain." Gillian interrupted her suddenly, his voice hard and cold. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to contain his emotions.

"It's okay, I understand." Gillian lied and faked a smile when he looked back up at Elena. "Anyway, I've got to go."

"I know." Elena looked down at the ground. She knew something was troubling her friend yet she didn't put any mind to it.

"Goodbye Elena." Gillian smiled and softly kissed her forehead.

"Bye." Elena smiled nervously, watching as he mounted his horse and drove away.


"Where's Gillian?" Robb said when he galloped towards Elena the next morning. Elena's body immediately tensed, remembering that Eddard didn't want anything to happen between them. She'd try and keep that promise, Eddard was the only reason why she was still breathing air. This was the only way to repay him.

"He went back home." Elena said, avoiding eye contact with Robb. She kept on staring at the Kingsroad with the reins tightly in her hands.

"Look, Elena." Robb took her horse's reins in his hands, pulling them both to a stop. He looked at his father who was driving at the front of the group.

"We can't avoid each other for the rest of our lives." He looked back at Elena when Eddard didn't notice anything. "And I do not regret the decision I made."

"We can't." Elena said, looking down at her horse. "We can't be together, you know that."

"You're a lord and I'm just a guardian. I'm no highborn lady, I don't even know how to curtsy." Elena looked at Robb's blue eyes. "You're the heir to Winterfell. People expect you to marry another highborn. High chance you'll be marrying a Lannister or a Tyrell, Not a guardian whose last name doesn't even ring a bell to the lowest of lords."

The Guardian of the North (Robb Stark) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now