Chapter 58:Determined

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Bryson's POV:

I stood outside the stripper house, waiting for Brian's arrival.

I examined the building, memories appearing from my past.

Part of me wishes I had gone looking for her, instead of just running away and going to this place.

I could've lived happily with my mom, away from my dad.

Running away did me no good, in the end, I came back.
Back to a life with my father, and an unfamiliar women with her son.

I said I would stay away from this place, but I knew the owner had  the answer to my question.

"I thought you'd be waiting inside?" I hear Brian's voice, snapping me from my thoughts.

I turn towards him, and tried not to laugh as I observed his outfit.

He wore a blue button up shirt that had a print of coyotes drinking margaritas all ove it, kakis, and a baseball cap, trying to disguise himself it seemed.

"Brian take off those sunglasses." I demanded. "And why are you wearing that?"

"I told you. I can't risk being seen by someone, and word getting to my parents. You know how strict my parents are."

That was true, Brian's parents were immigrants from Central America who became very important lawyers, and had a good image to uphold.
They built a future for Brian, and their future generations.
Maybe asking him to come with me wasn't such a good idea.

"Okay, lets just get in there." I say.

"No wait, where's my money?" He sticks out his hand waiting.

"Brian we haven't even gone inside yet." I complain.

"You said we could meet at the place, not inside."

"What?" I tried to remember exactly what I said, but instead just gave in and paid him. "So you're not even gonna go inside with me then?"

"You said you had business to take care of in there, whatever that means. I'll wait for you at Patrick's Diner, we can talk there." He smiles at me.

I rolled my eyes, couldn't say no to that smile of his. "Fine. I can't force you to go in there. I'll meet you there in a bit."

"Good luck man."
We shook hands, and he left.
Leaving me alone feeling more nervous than ever.

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath then opened the door.

I was greeted by the smell of alcohol and heavy perfume.

It hadn't changed much since the last time I've been here.

I walked over to the bar, hoping to see the same bartender as before.

"Long time no see Miss.Georgia."

She turned around and gave me the biggest smile. "Bryson!" She gripped me in a hug, then pulled away to examine me. "Oh my gosh you grew up so handsome honey, look at you!"

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