Chapter 15: Note To Self

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'Okay, so the boy can run, play baseball, and other what? Psh, I'm not intimidated.'

"ThunderThighs, batter up." Bryson adviced me, his bubblegum lips pursed.

My eyes widened
"Hell no!" I stammered.

"C'mon ThunderThighs get loose. Let's do this Miss.Championship!"

I really wished he hadn't said that, all the boys ooh'd me, grinning at me.

"This girl is Miss.Championship?" One of the teammates asked, Eric, I think was his name.

Rolling my eyes, and ignoring his statement I shot back, "I am not gonna play baseball with a bunch of snoozeballs-" They laughed some more. " And besides, is this not your practice?" I asked him.

"Well yeah, but as you saw, we already practiced. " He gestured sarcastically with his fingers.

"Anders!" A voice yelled.
The all too familiar figure started jogging towards us.

"Jaxon?"  I whispered out loud.

I didn't think  I'd run into him again in person.

I just felt awkward with him during text so I never really replied back, it's not like he did either though.

'Was he here the whole time?'

Once he catched up to us, he rested his hand on Bryson's shoulder then noticed me, his eyes widening.

"Oh, H-hey Koleen. How you doin?" He asked me.

Well shit, and to think I thought he was too much of a coward to even acknowledge me.

"Hi, What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm actually volunteering with  these boys. Looks good on paper." He explains,  still in disbelief to see me again. "What?" He asks as I keep starring at him.

"Nothing. Um, one of your idiot players wants me join and play with y'all." My eyes slid to Brysons. "But it's their practice so I'd rather not disrupt. "

Jaxon looked at Bryson, me catching a glimspe of his amazing jawline with the sun hitting it.

Even if things didn't really work out, I couldn't lie to myself and not think he was attractive.

He was still pretty hot.

"Anders, you done?" He asked Bryson.

"Yeah Jax, got home run." He smirked.

"Good. Koleen you can play now."

"What? No! " I protested.

I didn't expect him to agree!

"C'mon Leeny, show me what else you can do besides running. " Jaxon crossed his arms, revealing his arm muscles.

"Yeah ThunderThighs, show us. Or are you a sore loser!" A boy chanted, which irked me.

I was getting used to the name coming from Bryson, but to hear it from someone else annoyed me.

Jaxon laughed, at the boy's mockery, as did the rest of the team too.

"Bro, good one!" Brian bro-fisted him.

Oh my gosh, this is not happening.

Part of me didn't want to give them what they want, but another part of me wanted to show them that I could do it.

But I've never even played softball, much less baseball.

My legs stood up with a mind of its own.
I then picked up the bat, jogged towards my position and yelled, "Batter up!"

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