Chapter 23: You Got Screwed

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Koleen's POV:

"Why didn't you tell me you were having family problems? I would've understood." I told Bryce who was currently cuddling in my bed drinking hot chocolate, out of my favorite mug, eating my tiny bear shaped marshmallows.

He rolled his eyes, sinking his mouth into my mug and swallowed slowly.

"Hey look, this one looks more like a dog not a bear. Looks like you just got screwed." He replied, suddenly interested in the bear shaped

"Don't change the subject!"

I walked over to him, and sat down eyeing him.

He rolled his eyes once more and looked down, his fingers tapping the mug lightly.

"Why do you still care about me even after what I said...?"

If I wasn't paying attention, I would've thought he was talking to himself, but I knew clearly that he was asking  me.

And the fact that his intimidating brown eyes were locked with mine didn't help the situation.

I was speechless.

My eyes broke from his, and I let out a deep breath. "I don't know.I learned that in order for people to leave you alone, you hurt them. You push them away, and we all do that Bryce, but I'm not gonna leave you. I won't." I locked eyes with him again, I didn't know how he felt about my little "speech", but he didn't laugh in my face, so it must've been good.

We kept staring at each other, until I became insecure and looked down.

"Don't ." He whispered tilting my face up with his hand, "Don't look away."

I could feel myself getting red, and he smiled.

So I changed the subject.

"Thank you for helping me back there. By the way, how did you know his name?"

He sighed, his eyes trailing around my room.

"You know, I should get home. My dad is probably waiting for me."

My eyebrows drew together, I knew the question would bother him, but I thought he'd at least answer it with one word.

'Bryson will be Bryson...Him and his secrets.I thought rolling my eyes inside my head.

But it didn't help that the next day he convinced me to skip English.

Or, at least half English since I chickened out the last few minutes of class.

Bryson was about to knock on the door,, when the bell rang, and the door burst open. Hitting him square in the face.

"Oh! Oh my gosh I am so sorry- Bryson?! Koleen?!" Miss.Pier cried.

Everybody's eyes were on us, but I didn't care.

He litteraly got hit! With the door!

"Oh my gosh! Bryce! Bryce are you alright?!" I examined his face, and his nose was bleeding. "Shit!" I cursed.

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