Chapter 34: Blush.

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AN: Ok, is it just me, or does Lost In Japan not sound like a story on Episode? Litteraly everytime I listen to it images of Episode characters  flash in my mind. :/ ButI still love it tho!!:D


How do I reply back?

Do I just say: oh, i knew that, pick me up at 7.

Or should I go clueless: Bryson who?

Or, or should I be confident like: Pick me up at 7.

Plain and simple.

"All that sounds horrible." I groaned.

It's  been 3 minutes already.
I have to reply now.

Me, 6:28p.m
Oh, ok. Pick me up at 7:30.

Before I could regret my reply I hit send, then put him in my contacts so I wouldn't  forget who he is.

Bryson, 6:28p.m
How about 7 instead? ;)

How about you just get your butt over here and wait for me to get ready? :)

Bryson, 6:29 p.m

I smiled really big, then turned my music back on and hopped to the shower.

After I finished showering, I heard my doorbell ring.

That must be him.

I quickly went to the door and sure enough, it was him.

He was only dressed in a simple blue tee, yet I couldn't  help but notice how good he looked in blue.

"Uh, hey. I see you're  still getting ready." He replied as he stared me down in my towel.

I blushed, normally I wouldn't  care if I got seen in a towel, because I just came out of the shower afterall, but now I regretted it.

"Yup. Just wait here. I'll  be done soon."

I left him in my living room, then went back to my bathroom and  moisturized my whole body.

Afterwards, I put on a golden face mask then walked towards my closet to pick an outfit.

"Wow, so this is why it takes girls so long to get ready, ya'll freaking pamper yourselves."  Bryson replied as he sat in my bed.

I jumped and hold my silk robe tighter to my body.

"What the hell Bryce? I told you to wait in the living room."

He shrugged," I heard a noise and I got scared so I came up here with you."

I rolled my eyes. " I didn't  know you were such a scaredy cat." I mocked him as I went inside my closet.

"I am human after all ThunderThighs."

I hated the little nickname he gave me, but now hearing him say it makes me blush.

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