Chapter 51: Pulling.

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A/N: **Little warning, this chapter has some descriptive mature content so if you are not comfortable with it, feel free to skip this chapter:)**

Btw, anyone else freaking out over the virus ? :((

Koleen's POV:

"Where are we going?" I laughed as he pulled onto my arm.

"You'll see." He says slowing down now, still holding onto my hand that was now kinda sweaty.

He startled me at five a.m calling me non stop, when I picked it up thinking it was an emergency all I hear from the other end is, "Hey, get ready. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes."
Before I could respond back asking why, and where we would go at five a.m, he hung up.

I sat in bed for a minute thinking to go back to sleep until he messaged again.

Bryson, 5:15 a.m :
'Get up already. I'm on my way!'

I quickly got out of bed, trying not to make any noise and did as told.

My eyes were still heavy, trying to blink the sleep out of them as he lead me further to a clearing.

The whole car ride I kept wondering what was so important that he had to show me so early.

"Here." He says stopping abruptly.

The flashlight he held only showed so much for me to make out where we were.

"Where are we ?" I ask him confused.

"It's the same place I took you the very first time I took you out I think."

I thought back what it was, and then I remembered the hill with the view of the city.

"Wow it's so dark I don't know how we made it through before. But why are we here? Why so early?" I ask even more confused now.

Although the sleepiness was starting to wear off now, I still wanted to curl myself up in my warm bed.

"Hold on. I'll be back with some stuff." He says about to leave.

"Wow, wow, wow. You can't leave me here." I panicked.

He chuckled, "Don't be so scared Thunderthighs, I'll be back. You can take the flashlight, I'll just use my phone."

He noticed my worried expression and assured me once more, "Don't worry. I won't take long."

I sighed. "Okay, but hurry up."

He nodded then started walking away.

Minutes passed by that I started thinking maybe something happened to him.

I mean, what if a vampire attacked him?
What if a vampire attacked me?

'Gosh Koleen you've been watching too much Vampire Diaries.'

I made a mental note to calm down, it was kind of a long walk. It's normal for him to take a while.

I started flashing the light at any noise I heard, and started to panic again when I heard footsteps.

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