Chapter 19: Chillaxing

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I'm  in freaking love with Harry's song, and his whole album, it's  so aesthetically  pleasing 😍and im really sorry that im so slow to update, school's  been stressing me out lately ..I hope you enjoy Bryson's  Pov and the lil kissin scene i provided ;) (**wink wink**) xoxo LaughinfUnicorn  (^-^)/

Bryson's POV :

"Why?" She asked me when I told her I came to see her.

'Because I kind of care about you.' Is what my head said, but I couldn't say it out loud.

I don't think she liked me, and I get that.

I really did, I was an asshole most of the time..well all the time..wait no, most of the time.

Considering I freaking bought her all this food with my own money, she just really didn't like me.
I could see it in her eyes, the way a fire starts in there when something stupid comes out of my mouth.
It shocked me really, most girls liked..loved me.
Shit even her best friend Crystal loved me, and I've never even paid her any attention.

She always tried to get my attention, like in seventh period when she'll "accidentaly " drop her pencil, and pick it up with her cleavage all showing.

Girls like that reeked of desperateness.

But what most disgusted me more, was that even though she knew I talked to ThunderThighs, and i bet Koleen talked about me too..she still had her ways to try to get me to talk to her.

Gosh did I feel bad for her, I really did. But I'd never have sex with her, it's not like she didn't have a good body, she did.

But I'd hate to get between her and Koleen who are best friends.

Besides, I was more interested in her.

Even though, she didn't like me...

I've met girls that don't like me, but they eventually did.

I don't know if I was making progress with Leen.

"What movie do you want to watch? Aladdin?Or Beauty and the Beast?!" Koleen shouted from her room.

So she's picking romance movies now huh?

Let's see, which ones more romantic...

She noticed I took too long, so she came out with both.

"Damn ThunderThighs ,  you didn't even let me finish picking. " I joked. She rolled her eyes, putting Aladdin on first, and sat her ass as far away from me as possible.

"I'm hungry." I told her.

She looked at me, then at the food I brought her and offered me some.

I smiled..I knew she liked me maybe.

"I suppose since you bought it, you could have some." She mentioned, her eyes not meeting mine.

My hand grazed hers purposely, but she didn't stiffen or anything she just sat there, her eyes glued to the TV.

"You can chill ThunderThighs, I'm not gonna do anything to you unless you want me to.." I smiled cheekily at her.

She rolled her beautiful hazel eyes of hers, and responded, "I am 'chillin' I am so chillaxing-"

"Don't ever say that word again."

Her face puzzled, "What, chillaxing? "

It was my turn to roll my eyes, "Yes. That was so unnecessary."

She smirked, then scooted close to me and started yapping in my face,  " Chillaxing, chillaxing.  I am soo chillaxing  right now."

I smiled to myself amused, and just stared at her as she tried to annoy me.

Her eyes were bright with enjoyment.

I lost myself starring  at her, until she tapped me repeatingly at my chest saying, "It's  starting!"

"What movie are we watching again?" I asked looking at her then back at the screen.

"Aladdin. Now shh!" She hushed me with her hands.

Her hands that I sometimes took, and that were so utterly soft.

I tried watching the movie, with the genie  telling the story, but I got bored so I just watched Koleen.

Her reactions were so priceless, I mean sure..she was just watching a movie, not doing anything in particular, but I could read her expressions.

I knew how amazed  Walt Disney made her feel, as she must of watched it as a child and never stopped loving it.

I wish I had it as a child, come to think of it..the only Disney movie I've  ever watched was Hercules.

So I must pay attention, I want to know what makes ThunderThighs  so amazed over it.

And I did watched.

For a very long time.

Aladdin could've  just told Jasmin the truth. You always need to tell the truth, or else it'll build up and cause an even bigger trouble.

Even I know that.

"Are you serious, Aladdin is so stupid. Jasmine is gonna be so mad. Abu gets it, why can't he?"   I stated without realizing.

"Bryce, shut up! You're  ruining the movie!" Koleen yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes helplessly, as I watched the movie keep going.

I wish the Genie could beat Jafar's ass up, seriously he was getting on my freaking nerves.

Ugly ass lookin-

"Bryce, calm down you look like you want to punch something."

"Fuck. Sorry. " I told her.

She looked at me crazily then continued to look at the screen, I then realized she was still close to me.

Her leg sliding up and down by mine, as she moved it anxiously.

My body  grew hot, as it reacted towards her closeness. Sweat was dripping down my forhead, as I desperately tried to pay attenion to the rest of the movie.

"Look! This is my favorite part, it's so cute!" She cried.

My face quickly turned back to the screen, where Aladdin and Jasmine  were kissing.

I then looked towards her, and stared at her lips, then back at her face..Her sweet angel-like face.

She must've felt me starring, because as I  was discreetly  trying to get a glimpse  of her again she looked back at me, way  too quickly so our faces were inches apart.

Her eyes were looking down , so I tipped her face up with my finger, and made her look at me then I leaned in.

I wanted to kiss her.

It was even better than I imagined, she felt so delicate as I carressed her face with my hand, and placed the other on her waist.

While her hands were behind my neck, pushing me closer to her.

As she pushed me closer to her, I felt her heart still  beating.  I didn't  know if it was because of nervousness or because she felt it too. 

I felt sparks of adrenaline pumping through my whole body, I wanted more of her.

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