Chapter 11: Fun.

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"Tell me you're not gonna kill me, and hide me in a spooky abondoned house where no one will find my body. " I said sarcastically.

"Why would I do that when your mom knows you're with me?" He questioned, obviously thrown back from my statement.

"Then why won't you tell me where we're going?"

His eyes were concentrated on the road, searching for something amongst it.
I stared at him, searching something amongst him too.

He was hot.

With his structured strong jaw, his kissable lips, his soft smooth skin, and his mysterious dark eyes.

I could see why some girls dig bad boys, it's kind of entertaining to find out what secrets they hold, what their story was.

I just wasn't sure if I wanted find or what it could be.

"Am I that pleasing to the eyes?" he said with a small smile, giving me a quick glance as he notices me staring.

I sunk back onto my seat, my arms crossed over my chest.


After what felt like an hour to me, we finally got to whatever destination he was taking me.

The whole car ride was awkward to me, I didn't know whether to make conversation, or sit quietly like a creepy little doll on a shelf.

"We're here." He said simply, getting out of the car heading over to open my door.

"Thank you." I mumbled, not sure if he heard.

I stumbled getting out.

Dirt is not the best to walk in heels.

"You shouldn't have worn those." He snickered pointing to my heels.

"If you would've told me from the beginning where you were taking me, then I would've worn sneackers."

He rolled his eyes, " Good point. I was very vague."

"You think?" I looked around the location, seeing what looked like a bunch of trees. "Where are we?" I asked him.

"You'll see.." He said pulling me towards the direction of the trees.

oh no.

"Oh no." I mumbled, stopping dead in my tracks.

"What's wron-Koleen where the fuck are you going?!" He yelled after me.

I ran.

I ran as fast as I could in my fabulous vintage heels.

I knew they were gonna get ruined, but I didn't care this was my life I was trying to save!

Only murderers or man whores would take a girl out in the middle of nowhere.

I mean with bad boys who knows, maybe his mystery was being a killer.

I've heard enough stories on the news and Twitter.

I realized I didn't know where I was going because it was so dark, my first mistake was stopping to get out my phone to use as a flashlight.

I was held back by someone.


"Let me go you asshole! Let me go!" I yelled struggling to get out of his grasp.

I felt his arms tighten around my waist.

"Thunder Thighs, calm down."

I could feel his chest rising up heavily, which was prob from running after me.

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