Chapter 56: Denial.

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Koleen's POV:

It wasn't true. I sat in my car crying,
thinking about what just happened.

"I think we should break up." He said.

It's been hours since I saw him, and it still hurt each time I repeated it in my head.

I tried to stop myself from crying but I couldn't.

My chest felt so tight, I couldn't breath.

As soon as I thought the tears where through, more kept coming.

Why did he do it?
Why all of a sudden?
I thought things were fine between us.

I wish I never met him if it meant to not feel like this.

I finally calmed myself down enough to start driving home.

When I felt the tears come, I pushed them back.

I couldn't get in an accident, I just wanted to lay in bed at home.

Most importantly, I didn't want my parents to ask.

But it was inevitable.
Once I opened the door and walked inside, my mom was waiting in the living room.

She was watching one of her novelas.
I tried to quietly walk past her, hoping she'd leave me alone.

"Where were you Koleen?" She asks without looking at me.

"Out." Was all I could say before she hears my voice crack.

She paused the TV, and raised her voice "What do you mean you were out ?! We were so worried!"

A tear escaped and dropped down my cheek.
I couldn't cry now, not in front of her.
I just wanted to be left alone.

But as soon as she turned around, she studied me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

Hearing those words made me break down.

I started to cry again, holding my face in my hands so she wouldn't see.

"Koleen why are you crying? What happened? Did you get hurt?"

Hearing her ask ,  "did you get hurt?" Made me cry harder because I did!

I did get hurt.
I nodded my head.
She came closer to me, and took my hands out of my face. "Leen where are you hurt? What happened? Did you fall and broke something again?"

I shook my head, and all I could say between the tears was , "He hurt me."

"Oh Koleen, sweety." She pulled me to her, and started patting my back.

I would've been so happy that my mom is  being nice to me, if I weren't heartbroken.

I sobbed onto her shoulder.

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