Chapter 20: Come Back!

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Hey guys summer is here!!! Woop! Wopp! **throws hands up in the air, and waves them like i just dont care**
It honestly feels so weird to be out of school now like.. what is summer?
Anyways since its summer i just want to remind ya'll how hot it is in some places and i neeed to inform you.. DRINK. YO. WATAH. Seriously it does so much good things to you. Try it for at least a month to see the results, and if you do or already do.. congrats, here have some ice cream. **Hands over dairy free ice cream**
Its good for you, and your self love :)

Koleen's POV:

No, no. This isn't happening. I am not making out with Bryce Anderson.
Normally, if this ever happened to me I'd back off, but c'mon it's Bryson Lackhowsky Anderson. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about...
And I do, I could see why girls go crazy for him, seriously he was good.

I didn't feel awkward at all for my first kiss.

He was on top of me now, his hands lifting my shirt up, and me being me pulling him closer to me so I could taste more of his lips. His hands were moving fast though, he was already tugging on my sports bra.

Hah, now he cant take that off unless I let him.

And I won't.

At least I think I wont...

"Koleen,.." He groaned against me.

I tugged his hair making him groan even more, and his hands tightened aroud me.

As soons as his lips made contact with my neck I started moaning softly, but then a loud ding sounded off.

The doorbell.

I immediately pushed him off me, and started catching my breath.

'Wow, I guess making out really can take your breath away..'

I whispered ," Did you order pizza to my house?"

Bryson, who was now on the floor shook his head no as his defined chest started rising up and down breathing.

"Then who the hell could that be?"

Bryson rolled his eyes and sat back in the couch, " Geez ThunderThighs, like I fucking know."

I threw a pillow at him, and walked towards the door when the doorbell rang again followed by a high pitched girly voice, "Koleen! Open up! I know you're not sleeping, so open your door!"


I peeked through the tiny hole on my door and sure enough..."Yup, it's Crystal." I sighed.

I adjusted my shirt, and tamed my hair making sure nothing was evident that happened.

I opened the door and Crystal just barged in.

"Finally, it's freaking hot you know?" She tells me taking off her jean jacket.

"Cryst. Didn't you text me that you had detention? " I asked alittle shakily.

She rolls her eyes and stiffens a yawn, " Yeah but Underburg's class freaking sucks! So I thought I'd skip for once and come visit you, my little munchkin." She tickles me lightly, which I back off and say "Ugh! Dont call me that! You're not even that tall!"

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