Chapter 14:Chicken Runner

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' You asshole.' I thought as Bryson raced past me, his arms behind him.

His form was really bad, like really really bad.

Right now he was running like a chicken..
Litterally, those little chicken legs of him really can run.

He wasn't even pumping his arms, hand to ear pocket like every runner should when they're sprinting, no this boy was running with his arms pointing straight behind him.

I thought I was doing good, but considering Bryson the little chicken runner was speeding past me, I was going straight downhill.Literally.

I freaking forgot there was a bump along the road, hills usually speeded up my pace but all I was feeling was winded out.


I wanted to laugh at Bryson's running, but I couldn't.

'What is going on with me?' I thought as I sprinted the last few yards.

Soon, my legs started giving up, and instead of decelerating I stopped at the finish line.

"Yeah baby, who's the cheetah now ?!" Bryson yelled, loud enough for the whole world to hear.

I paced around alittle and manadged to say ,"Yeah yeah, you just got lucky."

I seriously hope he doesn't give me a punishment, we didn't even shake on it, so it doesn't even matter...right?

"Boy do I have a gift for the looser, aka you, Thunderthighs, Koleen Pares." He says rubbing it in my face.

"Can you not? It was already bad enough that you beat me." I grunted.

He smirked.

"I beat your ass real good.So looser gets a punishment."

"But we didn't even shake on it!" I screamed, ny hands up in the air.

"We didn't have to."

"Uh, Yes. We did."


"Stop calling me that!"

He ignored me.

"- We both said bet as we agreed on and looser always gets a punishment, and you're the looser..." He said, then walked towards me provocatively, with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

My eyes shot daggers at him, my heart racing inside my ribcage, while my fists were clenched.

He got so close, I could smell the little hint of Downy drowned in all the nasty icky sweat.

He then caressed my face with his icky hands, his face close to mine.

I blurted out, "I am not gonna have sex with you."

He backed away from me looking at me confused.

" Who said anything about sex?"

"Isn't that what you were gonna say? Something sexual?"



Well now this is awkward.

"Sorry.." I mummbled so quietly I didn't even know if he heard, then started walking to the car first to avoid the embarrassment.

"I'll go get the car, you'll wait here." He tells me jogging ahead.

"I don't want to stay here by myself!" I call after him.

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