Chapter 48: Advice.

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Koleen's POV:

Crystal paced around my room, still processing everything that I told her.

I felt bad for keeping it from her, from everyone. I haven't even told my parents.

"I just, Koleen we're best friends. Why didn't you tell me?" She says in a disappointed tone.

I sighed, "I didn't want you to make a big deal out of it and such. I'm sorry."

"Why wouldn't I make it a big deal? It's your first boyfriend Leen! Is my enthusiasm annoying?"

"No it's not that, I was just shy about it."

"Right. Y'all have been dating for a week and I never even noticed, the only way I found out was because the whole school was talking about it!" 

I looked at her apologetic, and her face softened.

"I'm sorry Crystal. I promise I won't keep stuff from you anymore."  I say leaving my spot on the couch to go and hug her.

"Ok. I'll forgive you. But I want every detail about it."


So I told her how it all happened, and the romantic things he did, even the kissing parts and how I felt.

It felt so good to let it all out, to talk about it to someone.

I should've told her when it all happened.

"Aww, Leen. And you said you didn't like bad boys." She teased poking my sides.

I laughed, "The thing is, I don't categorize him as one."

Sure he had his problems, and issues, but everyone had them. I thought it was what made us human somehow.

"So how was your date the other day then? Anything hot happened?"

I blushed. "No. Not at all. It's too early for that."

"You'd think he'd pull a move though, I would've gladly responded."

I rolled my eyes, "Ok, but that's you. I wouldn't, I want my first relationship to be taken slow with no rush."

She fake yawned, "Boooring."

I threw a pillow at her which made her laugh, and we ended up having a pillow fight.

I'm glad I told her everything, I missed talking to my best friend.

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My legs were getting heavier as I ran towards the goal with the ball between my feet.

Now that Cross Country was over I had Track, and Soccer to worry about.

The practice clothing, and uniforms weren't much different from the Cross Country one.

The shorts rose up, but they weren't as short which made things more comfortable for me.

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