Chapter 28

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Bryson's POV:

She said yes.

She said yes!

I mean,*ahem*  she said yes.

As I saw her run away, my heart slowed down for a moment.

I already missed her presence, I wanted more of her hugs and kisses.

A smile lingered on my face as I still felt the warm kiss on my cheek.
It was a cute gesture.

"Bryson, my man!" Dominic, one of my teammates, called to me walking over with a big grin on his freckled  face. "She said yes bro."

"I know." I answered him still dazed.

"Man are you gonna have a good time with that thing."

"I kno-Wait what? She's not a thing Ramirez, get your shit right."

He looked at me incredulously and chuckled, "Since when have you gone all soft? Last time I checked you called them the same thing."

"Okay well that was shitty of me to do that."

"Woah woah woah, don't  tell me she made you all soft now, because if thats the case," He came close and whispered in my face, "Then we wouldn't  want a new team captain now would we?"

I scoffed and shoved  him off,  "What does a girl gotta do with my position on the team?"

"Are you serious? Everything Bryson, everything. Only the best players get to be the team captain. And I don't  mean by being the best on the field. Don't  you remember  that pact that was made years ago?"

"No, I've  never heard that."

"Oh, yeah. That's  because you weren't  here when that happened."

"Wait so let me get this straight, so is that the only reason why I even got to be team captain? Because of how many girls I pulled? Not because of my actual talent in baseball?"

He laughed and put a hand on my shoulder, "Don't  take it personal  Anderson, but ofcourse it is.  I mean you're  good, but not that good. You get it?"

"Yes. Perfectly." I said through gritted  teeth, shoving his arm off of me and walked away from him angrily.

'I'll  show him

I'm  gonna keep my position  on the team and be the best player on the field.

While still having ThunderThighs with me, I'll  show him I can have both. ' I thought as  I almost stumbled onto someone.

"Whoa there Anderson, where are you going? Aren't  we gonna take a picture together?"

"ThunderThighs." I whispered  surprised, I thought she was still running?

"My cool down run is up, so let's  go."  She replied taking hold of my arm.
I could feel the sparks lighting up between  us as our skin touched.
But I tried to play it it was nothing.

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