Chapter 29: Nerves

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Koleen's POV:

I wasn't sure what to think when I told my mom about homecoming.

That she'd congratulate me?

Be proud of me for even getting a date?

Or shower me in love like the loving mother that she is..

Yeah, right.

Her reaction was pretty much the second choice.

"Did you really?!" She shouted at me surprised when I was litteraly 2 feet away from her.

"Yes! Mom I've already told you like five times and you keep answering with the same response Five Times."

"Oh Leeny that's great, I remember my first homecoming dance. It was miserable, with my date having constipation every second but overall it was amazing!"

I gave her a gorss face.
I really didn't need to know that.

"We need to go dress shopping, and shoe shopping, and makeup shopping!"

"Mom it's not that big of a deal, I just wanted to let you know so when he comes over you won't be clueless."

"When is he coming? How does he look like?"

"That, my dear mother,is for you to find out tonight."

"But it's already 4:00pm aren't you gonna get ready? What are you gonna wear? Can I at least help you?"

I rolled my eyes," I think I am capable of getting ready by myself. I'm not in kindergarten where you'd always put pig tails on my head. Besides, the dance doesn't start until 7:30 so I'm just gonna be chillin until 5."

She sighed with a hint of aggression peeking through.

"I suppose you are old enough to do that.."

"Yes. Yes I am."

As I went back to my room and tried to relax before the time came, I thought of all the possible outcomes that can go wrong tonight.

Like what if he cancels after I get ready?

What if he changes his mind about coming with me?

What if he treats me like crap during the whole night?

What if- Ok ok, I might be overthinking about it just a little, but what girl wouldn't right?

I'm all jittery that my stomach is fluttering in a nervous reaction and I hate that feeling.
So I distracted myself by looking up makeup ideas to prevent  from being a nervous wreck.

*several hours later*

"Leen, your date is here but he still seems to be in his car-Oh honey, you look wonderful!"

"Realy? Thanks mom it means alot to me. Do you think it's too much?"

"Absolutely not, if you got it, flex it!"

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