Chapter 54: Overwhelmed.

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A/N: I recently came across this post through @ssutainably_ on Instagram and I wanted to share it with y'all as well if you're interested :) I've never purchased anything from Amazon personally, but if anyone reads this and has purchased from any of the sites listed let me know how it is! (Desperately In need of new reads) 🙌🏼

Koleen's POV:

Maybe not all high school relationships were meant to last.
Because my relationship with Bryson already felt like it was ending.

When I didn't see him for lunch my heart sunk.

I was left to have  lunch with Crystal, and the other girls, which quite frankly didn't bring me any joy.

I've realized some of the things they say don't rub me the right way anymore.

Like when Allison tried to shame Chloe, another girl in the group, for not being confident in herself.

As always Allison stirred up the pot, and asked Chloe if she was jealous of her boyfriend talking to a classmate named Mary.

"Are you jealous of Mary?" Allison asked. "Since you know she likes your boyfriend and he talks to her sometimes." She eyed her waiting for her response.

Chloe was quiet. "Why would I be jealous of her? She's not like me, we're two different people."

Allison laughed, "OMG, are you calling her ugly?"

All the other girls laughed.

"What? I didn't say she was ugly. I just said we're different. You can't compare us."

"Oh my gosh, Chlo, you are sooo calling Mary ugly."

Chloe was embarrassed. Her cheeks turned pink. "I never said that, he chose me. Why would I be jealous of her? I'm pretty confident in myself."

Allison burst out laughing. "Confident? Chloe you are not fucking confident."

"Yes I am." Chloe quietly says.

"Chloe if you were confident then you wouldn't dress up everyday, and do your makeup."

And that was the conversation.

The old me would've agreed with Allison, but now I was just confused.

Just because Chloe liked to be put together she wasn't confident in herself?

Literally bullshit.

It might've been just me. but I sensed some jealousy in Allison's voice.

All of a sudden every girl that uses makeup and wears cute clothes isn't confident in herself ?

So what if Chloe liked to look put together, Allison didn't need to call her out like that.

It's already hard enough trying to build one's confidence, for someone, especially a so called friend, to straight up say to your face that you're not confident in yourself hurts.

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