Chapter 18:Cry Baby

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Bryson's POV:

Her eyes stared deeply into mine, looking panicked.

Why was she panicked?

Did I not look like a fucking angel to her?

She then shut her eyes tight, and turned towards her parents, and spoke with a whisper, "Why am I here? What the fuck happened? "

Her mom gave her a warning look, I side smiled.

"Leen.." Her father started, grabbing a hold of her hand for reasurance, "You got hurt. Crystal panicked and called the ambulance. We were so worried honey.."

"What do you mean?!"

"You just need to rest, you'll be out soon." He kissed the back of her hand, and squeezed it tightly.

I then felt that I shouldn't be witnessing this. It was her family, her family time, and it felt like I was intruding her personal life.

"Koleen." Dr.Disnew spoke,"How are you feeling?"

She turned toward him, completely ignoring me.

Was she not grateful I was here with her?

"I feel fine." She gets up, "Can I go now?"

"As soon as your parents  fill out some papers. You'll be cleared. But resting is important for you."

She later back down, looking up at the ceiling. "Okay." She sighed.

"I'm gonna need the parents to come this way." The doctor said, her parents following after him, leaving us alone.

After a few moments of silence she speaks up, "Why are you here?"

Wow, that stung.

"I thought Sean gave you a beating."

She smiled, that cute smile of hers that for some odd reason made me feel better. "Yeah right." She answers. "Sean is too much of a coward to throw fists."

"I was just checking."


Koleen's POV:

Embarrassment was what I felt when I was being put in a hospital bed for simply falling, embarrassment was what I also felt when I woke up to see Bryson there.

He looked like shit, although I shouldn't be talking because I probably did too, but he just looked...tired.
But hearing him say he came to see if Sean did something named me laugh.

He left after my parents came back, said he'd see me at school. Which, oddly enough, maybe I was looking forward to.

"Okay so you're all ready, any questions?"Dr.Disnew asked us.

"Well," My dad looked to me and my mom, "Can my daughter get a school note to rest for tomorrow? If you tell her to rest, I know she won't do it. Her coaches will probably make her do five miles."

"Don't exaggerate Rodrigo." My mom tells him.

"It is not an exaggeration Catalina. I want my daughter to rest, if she doesn't get a doctors note she won't listen!" My dad argued.

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