Chapter 60: Support

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Koleen's POV:

My heart was hammering against my chest, and not from the run I just had with Jaxon. I was nervous of going back to school the next day.
I tried going on a run to calm my nerves, but thinking about seeing him again makes me feel nauseous.
I didn't want to face him. I wish I could just never  see him again, and forget him just like that.
I still missed talking to Bryson.
Our little convos, and his touch.
Even though I was enjoying  spending time with Jaxon, at the end of the day, I still wanted him back.

"Nervous going back?" He mentions as we  walk around the dirt track for our cool down.

I hesitated to answer. "Maybe..."

"Well you let me know if he causes you any trouble, I'll make him run laps throughout the whole period."

I smiled half heartedly, as tempted as that sounded I didn't want to mess with him.
I knew it wasn't right to hold grudges no matter how much they hurt you, but the toxic Latina in me still wanted to key his car and spray paint foul words.

"Well I have to go now, thanks for going on a run with me."

"Of course, my ego gets checked each time you pass me. It's humbling really."

I laughed. "Maybe you can keep up next time."

I walked to my car, and waited for Jaxon to leave first. Afterwards I just sat there, and tears started slipping down my face.

Gosh, just the thought of seeing him tomorrow, hurt my heart.

I wish it didn't end. But I knew there must've been a reason it didn't work out, wether I saw it now or in the future. It'll all make sense in the end. Things don't just happen without a reason. I was a firm believer in that.
With that thought, I drove off listening to loud music to drown my thoughts.

Even though I took melatonin to try to get some sleep, my brain still didn't shut off.
I dreamed that Bryson wanted to see me, he missed me so much during our break that he wanted me back.
After I woke up from that emotional dream, I wiped the tears from my face and got ready for the school day.
I just needed to get through my classes, and practice. It's all I asked for for today.

The good thing was that soccer practice was in the morning, and track was after school.
It would keep me busy to clear my head.
Our coach made us run a mile as part of the  warm up.
Everytime I thought of him, I told myself to push myself harder.
Each time his name appeared in my head, I kicked the ball harder.
Each time I'd  imagine hearing his voice, I'd run with the ball faster.

"Pairs!  You have other girls open! Don't be hogging the ball, it's all about teamwork!" My coach yells.

Right.... I kicked the ball to Stacey , one of my teammates, but the  ball was stolen from her.

"Oh come on!" I sigh frustrated.

This is why you should only ever count on yourself, anyone else will always disappoint.

I cooled off in my morning shower in the girl's locker room. Having been all sweaty, I didn't want to stink for the rest of the school day. I let the cool water drip down my body, wanting to wash away all the emotions I've been feeling.
To wash away the nerves I felt, because I was scared that I'd come face to face with him.

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