Chapter 40: Embarrased.

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Another (late) Update, as you requested!!

Koleen POV:

I was hurt and embarrassed.
Maybe it was for the best to not try again.

After realizing, trouble or or no trouble, I wanted him...I couldn't forget him.

What did I think would happen when I saw him?

That he'd sweep me off my feet because he missed me so much that I didn't need to apologize?

Yeah right.
Only in Disney Movies will that ever happen.

I feel so stupid for even thinking he'd listen to my dumbass.
I thought he was the one.
The one who'd be my first for everything, but I guess I was wrong.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be, maybe my thoughts were right, I didn't need a boy got always got into trouble in my life.

That night when I came home, I cried my eyes out, but then I composed myself and said that he wasn't worth my tears.

No boy is.

But crying was the only satisfaction I had to let it all out.

All the ice cream I had, and non-stop chick flicks only made the humiliation and pain smaller.

I still felt it but not as much.

District was coming for cross country. I already missed six practices that could've helped me win top ten out of 250 other girls.

My grades were slipping, people always stare. It was like my whole life was falling apart, all because I didn't answer in time.

I deserved it all, sure, but it still hurt.

I was used to other people talking crap to me but him?

I just wanted to fix everything, I did, but I guess it's clear I should just stop.

I don't want to get hurt again.

But I also don't want to loose him for good.....

Why am I so stupid?


The following week, not only was the school  already decorated with Halloween decorations but it was also decorated in more smug faces.

Everyone. Everyone kept starring at me, like always, but it always catches me off guard.

Some stared with pity, some snickered, some laughed out loud, keeping eye contact with me the whole time.

I was red. I knew I was.

Why didn't I just tell my dad I wanted to transfer?

"I can't believe she still shows up."

"If I were her, I'd never show my face again ."

Why are they even talking?

I've never even talked to them before.

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