CHAPTER 10: Keep Your Hands To Yourself

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On my way to class I heard someone mutter something about my jeans.

Yes jeans.

Regrettably I decided to wear some jeans, which already felt constricting but I tried to ignore it.

I flicked the stupid girl off, not noticing that staff was nearby.

"Miss Pares. "

'Oh no. '

I cleared my throat,  and responded.  "Yes? "

"Follow me. "

'I swear if this is about yesterday...'

"Sit. "

"Oh.  Right. "

"Miss. Pares.  I was informed yesterday about your little misbehavior-"

"Sean was the one who disrespected me!"

"Keep your voice down young lady! "

"Sorry... "

'Fuck i'm so busted'

"Koleen this has been your second misbehavior and it's barely September. "

"I know, it's just too many people are mean to me in this school-"

"Then I suggest you move out of here,  or control your temper.  This school will not tolerate misbehavior just because you can't control yourself. "

"Yes I can. " I muttered under my breath.

"What was that? "

"Nothing,  ok fine.  I'll control myself. " I said getting up to leave. 

It was messed up but my mom would never let me move just because I'm having problems.

"Nuh,  uh, uh.  I let you slide the first time,  and Sean insists on putting charges on you,  but I told him I'll take care of the punishment...You're lucky I'm letting you off easy-"

"So I'm only getting detention?!" I said excitedly. 

"No,  you're suspended for the next 3 weeks of Cross-Country meets.But nothing says you can't run on your own. " He winked and smiled. 

My face fell.

"W-what? "

"There's  still a few meets after that so don't  worry."

"That's not fair! The team depends on me-"

"The girls will do just fine without you! "

I looked at him,  searching for any bluffing.

He  opened the door and led me out of his office. 

'This is just not my week..'  I said in my mind. Little tears finally escaping.  I darted towards the girls bathroom, locked myself in a stall.

'It wasn't fair. I hated this school so much. '

Cross Country is literally everything to me, and stupid Sean had to get me in trouble.

It's my last year for fuck sakes, I wanted to make the most out of every single meet.

I would've probably called Crystal,  but she wouldn't understand.

She wouldn't relate.

She doesn't know the nerves you get in the pit of your stomach while heading to the meets.

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