Chapter 6:Queens.

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'Thud, thud'

"Hmm? "

'Thud , thud'

"Mom, just two more minutes. "

"Koleen! Babe! "


"What the fuck ? " I panicked scared.

I was just in a good sleep and now I'm hearing things? Oh great.

"Open your window! "

'Thud, thud"

'Was that...Jaxon?

I slowly walked over to my window, taking a peek, and sure enough Jaxon was down below throwing rocks. I jumped back.

What is this boy doing?

I swear my parents could've heard him first and called the cops.

"Jaxon what the fuck  are you doing here? Wait, scratch that how the fuck do you even know where I live? "

"Damn feisty in the night too, you know just how to turn me on. "

"And that's not all, I know just how to kick you hard enoug-"

"Ok, ok, I'm coming in. "

"No! "

But he was already climbing in, you see for fire emergencies my mom and dad chose the room with a big tree next to the window as my room, it sounded and still is a pretty good idea, until I started reading and watching movies where girls sneak in boys, or robbers sneak in by there.

I guess this night was one of those scenes.

"Ugh, pull me in" He struggles.

" You can do that yourself. " He wiggled in, until he finally landed in a thud inside my room.

"So thats what you wear to sleep?" He looks down at me.

I rolled my eyes. 
A T-shirt and shorts might've been unsexy, but who was he to judge?

"Why are you here?" I asked pulling my hair up in a bun.

He doesn't answer.

"I can just push you off my window if you're not gonna answer me. " I threaten him.

" I wanted to see you. " He said grinning.

"Where did you even get my adress from? I never gave it to you." I asked him curious.

"I know someone who lives near you. "

"What? Who?"

"My buddy Ricardo. He lives three houses down from you."

I tried to remember of the houses near me, then faintly remembered a guy who always worked out shirtless outside his front yard.

I've never met his family, but I'm sure my parents have chatted with them sometime.

They liked knowing the people in our neighborhood.

"That still doesn't explain why you are here in the middle of the night?"

I barely knew him, and I don't think I considered him a friend, so why would he come to my house, my room?

"Wait, how did you know this was my room?" I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion.

Was he a stalker?

He shrugged. "It was a lucky guess, I figured if it was your parents who answered I'd hide behind the tree and run off."

I laughed.

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