Chapter 24: Goddess

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Just a little reminder that each and every one of you is a Goddess, you may not see it, but I promise you girl it's there.

You're  a queen and don't  let anyone tell you otherwise or let them get to you, because they. don'

"Well, well, well. If it isn't  Miss Fatass." An annoying voice mocked.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "Yup that's  me, did you call?" Because honestly, I didn't feel like arguing today, as much as I hate the name calling.

She scoffed, "I heard you skipped class with Bryson, I always knew you were a sneaky slut."

"Like you aren't one yourself. If you'll excuse me , I have a uniform to change into."

"You're  still on the cross country team aren't  you?" She smirked evily at me.

"Yes. Yes, I am. And now, because of you're  little rat who can't seem to shut up, our team isn't  gonna go to state this year. But hey, why would you care? You don't  care about anybody  but yourself, because you're a selfish bitch."

"You.take.that.back!" Her teeth gritted, and her hands turned into fists, she looked like she wanted to punch me.

"Do it, let go. Punch me. Beat the crap out of me ,if you'd  like,but you'll  get suspended  from the cheer squad. And someone else will be captain."

She glared at me, then smiled. "You're  lucky I actually care about my team position. Watch out freak, I'll  pay you back somehow." She stomped out of the gym, the door slamming shut.

I could've  stood there, and think about what she'd  do to me, but I was already missing out on.

I was just gonna have to wait till later.


         "Hello?" Crystal  asked through the other side of the phone.

     "Let's  go shopping." I told her, examining my body in the skinny jeans I tried on that were hiding behind my hundreds  of jeggings.

This was why I didn't  wear jeans to school, my legs looked like two beefy sausage sticks.

They were too tight, and constricting.

Maybe it was all the running practices I skipped that made me gain more weight.

Kimberly was right, I am a fatass.

"Ew." I told myself, quickly stripping them off.

"Okayy..but why? You said you hated going shopping."

  "Did I?"

    "Yes. Yes you did, like a million times!" 

I sighed, and sat down in the middle of the closet looking at  everything as I explained to her why I wanted to go.

"But you always ask to go to the gym to clear your mind out."

"Crystal! I'm  litteraly giving you a chance to go shopping together, and all you want to do is talk about why I'm  doing this?" 

I knew she wasn't  going to let me off easy, but I had to make her believe  me, as much as I wanted to believe  myself.

I needed to get away from my gym cravings, and start creating new habits, new things to occupy  me.

Surely there was more to me than fitness.

I needed to stop thinking about Bryson too, who has currently  been on my mind all day.  I mean I didn't  want him to, but the fact that he still came after me, after what he said keeps me thinking.

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