Chapter 13: Cardio Baby

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"Damn Leeny, are you all right? You look like shit." Crystal addressed, her hand resting on my forhead.

I rolled my eyes.

"Wow. Thanks for the compliment."

"What'd you do last night? I called you all day!"

My mind flashed back to last night, after I showered and got dressed in my sexy pajamas:

'Finally, bed. Sleep. Bed.' I thought to myself walking to my bed, only to be frightened by Bryson resting on my bed!

"Wow you look sexy." He complimented me, eyeing my pajamas.

I then pulled a huge t-shirt over my red silk ones, feeling so freakin embarrassed

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I complained.

I seriously thought he left right after he dropped me off my doorstep, how and why the fuck would he be here?!

"I'm not tired, let's pull up an all-nighter. You don't have practice anyways." He smiled cheekily.

"But I have freaking athletics!"


"Dude, get out! "

It was probably two in the morning, and I was not dealing with this, this, teenage-dirtbag!

"Wow ThunderThighs, did you just call me a teenage-dirtbag? "

"How did you even get in?!" I looked around, following his finger pointing to my window that was wide open.

Ugh, I probably left it open by mistake when I was feeling hot.

My legs suddenly moved towards him,  my hands pushing him off my bed. His body landing with a loud thud on my hardwood floor. I heard him groan in pain, but I didn't care. I needed my beauty sleep.

I tucked myself in bed, hoping he'd leave on his own.

"So that's how it's gonna be." He voiced, his sound of movements indicating he was getting off the floor.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being watched.

"Bryson. Stop looking at me and let me sleep." I mumbled, eyes still closed.

"How do you know I'm looking at you? I could be searching through your stuff. " He replied.

"Because I have super powers, and I can tell when someone is watching me."


When I finally thought he left, and let me have my sleep, a loud crashing sound came from my bathroom alerting me instantly.

My eyes shot wide open, as I hurried to the bathroom.

There, lying hopelessly broken on the floor was my drawer of skin care products.

"What are you doing? Stop touching my stuff!"

"Um, I apologize ThunderThighs. " He muttered, eyes staring down in the floor.

"Get out! You're annoying me right now!"

"I tried pulling up an all nighter, is what happened." I lied to Crystal after the flashback.

There was no way i'd tell her the truth, my ear drums would explode if I heard her annoying squeals about Bryson being in my bedroom.

"But you never pull up all nighters?" She questioned me.

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