Chapter 32: Like Father, Like son

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Bryson's POV:

I didn't really know what to expect once I walked into my dad's business.
I guess I expected it to be like a factory, but instead it was a huge building that looked like it was made out of glass, which wasn't very convenient considering when you're upstairs, because what if you're too damn heavy and crash down?

I'd hate to be that guy.

Even the floors were glass.
See through, and clear.

I'm not afraid of heights or anything, but it did gave me a sick feeling just by looking down.

How is this building even stable?

"I assume you have alot of questions about this place, but once we go to the last floor, your questions will be answered." My father replied after saying hello to the checks person then pushing the very last button on the elevator.

Who said I even had a question anyways?

I really wasn't that interested in the business, even if I did have some questions, not that I'll ask any at all just to satisfy my curiosity.

We got in the elevator which was surprisingly not made of glass, it was all pitch black, the only light illuminating the room was a tiny bright bulb in the middle of the ceiling.

Seriously, a glass building, and now a claustrophobic elevator?

Who even made this building?

"Now, I'm trusting you to not say a word, if you as so much say one word to anyone, you will be sorry." He told me with a serious threatening tone which kinda scared the hell out of me since, wasn't he like a famous business owner or some crap?

I didn't even know or gave a damn at what my father did, all I knew was that he was rich because he owned something.
I never really bothered to know about it since there was absolutely no point considering my step brother, Charlie, was going to end up owning it.

Once the elevator crashed down with a ding, the doors opened to reveal a big room full people placing some sort of substance into boxes.

I couldn't tell what it was since it was in a black bag, but the place did smell funny.

Like drugs.
I should know because I've done some.

"What is all this?" A question slipped out of my mouth.

"This " He placed his firm hand on my right shoulder. "My son. Is business."

I looked up at him confused.
My father?
The one who alwasy told me I was a good for nothing.
The one who was a hypocrite to me for doing drugs, was a drug dealer?

"Is that weed?" I asked him pointing towards the boxes.

"And Marijuana, gum, pills. Anything people will buy."


"Now, do you see why I need you Bryson? You'd be perfect for this business! Unlike your sissy of a brother who wants to be an artist."

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