Chapter 8:Wild

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    "We're here! Who's ready to get drunk and  party all night?! "

"Crystal,  we're not gonna do any of that stuff,  remember?  We're definitely not gonna drink,  and I told my dad on the way here,  we'd be back by one am."

"Damn Koleen,  always the party pooper. " Jaxon butts in.

"Shut up Jaxon,  you're the one who invited me.

" I didn't know you'd be this lame. "

I slapped him on the arm.

"Wow." I said in amazement,  noticing the house infront of us.

It was a colosoul two story house, with lights on every window,  as if the party was in every room. 
I knew the kids at school were rich, but I didn't know they were that rich.

"Ready?! " Crystal squealed. 

"Hell yeah! " I said a little enthusiasticly.

"Let's go babe. " Jaxon said,  his hand on my lower back guiding me in,  while Crystal was holding my hand. 

   My first thought when I came inside, 'Run.'
But I couldn't go back now, not when Crystal wanted me here.

'I knew this dress was too revealing'  I thought as I tried to pull it down.

"Hey,  you want something to drink? "  Jaxon asked. 

I was about to ask Crystal,  but she was already chatting with a guy. 
I ignored it,  thinkin she should enjoy herself too.

"Are you kidding me?  I'm not  gonna take no drink from here,  what if it has alcohol? "

"Right,  I keep forgetting you're still a child. " He mocked. 

"You can't drink either. "

He shrugged.

I then heard a loud whistle towards me. 

"Damn baby, who are y-you!" A drunk Sean sputtered out sloppily. coming towards me.

"Sean it's me,  Koleen , you know the one you always make fun of.  And now look who wants me now all because you're drunk and I'm dressed up. Life really is weird nowadays don't  you think?"  His interest in me flatters me, but he is still an ass.

"K-koleen,  damn girl,  you clean up  pre-tty nice."  He then got so close to me,  his drunken breath hit my face, and I scrunched up in disgust.

His mouth was in my ear,  whispering, "Let's ditch this party and go find ourelves a room."

He then tried to slide his hand on  my ass,  but I then pushed him away,

"Oh please, I am not going to do shit with you.  Why don't you go fuck Kimbelry instead, y'all would make a good couple."

Jaxon grabbed my arm, and lead us towards the kitchen.  "I was almost gonna beat him up for being with you.  Remember babe, I'm the one you're with.  I said I was gonna be with you the whole night. "

"Shut up." Is all I tell him, while he started getting drinks.

Only it was from this machine where you practically chose what you wanted!

Like the ones in Wendy's.

"Damn,  Justin's fucking rich for affording  this. " I said pointong to the machine. 

"Everybody's rich around here Koleen,  that's why theres a bunch of snobs at your school. Here. "

He hands me a cup.

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