Chapter 31: Not First Choice

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I'm gonna start this chapter off by adding to the quote above. Go after what you want, even if it means to reach out of your comfort zone.
It's hard ,I know, but with fake confidence you can achieve it.
Trust me, you'll be glad you did.
Life is full of learning opportunities and you should take that chance to grow.
Mentay, physically, emotionaly.
It doesn't matter but, like Nike says, just do it!

Bryson's POV:

When I woke up this
morning, my mind was still fresh from Friday's dance...


Even though she wore a mask of calmness, I could tell her heart was thumping loudly, because I know mine is.

Here I am, dancing with an extravagant girl who has a driven passion for hardwork, dedication and consistency.

A girl who never gives up.

And if I let myself fall for her, then hopefully she won't give up on me.

Our hands were still collided and I brushed my thumb against her warm skin which gave her little goosebumps.

My hand was still on her lower back, pushing her against me.

I wanted to push her closer though, where my lips touched hers.

But she was already flustered enough, so I only stared her down and let our bodies do the touching.

**present monday morning**

I sighed, back to reality.

I didn't know how I felt about her, all I knew was that it was consuming me.
I knew that if I didn't take a break from seeing her, I wouldn't want to let her go, which is why I took today off from school because I was afraid.

I was afraid of getting too attached only for it to not work out.

My feet dragged me to the kitchen, opening the fridge where a minute later some heels were clicking by.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school today?" My stepmother asked.

I rolled my eyes, closing the fridge then poured some milk in my Cookie Crisp answering her question. "Isn't that none of your business? "

"But Bryson your attendance was doing so well, you can't just throw that away."

"Again, it's none of your fucking business Susan." 
I knew her name was Danielle, but calling her a different name was easier to push her away.

She wore a hidden pained expression, but nonetheless she still forced a smile and walked away quickly.

I immediately felt bad afterwards, but I reminded myself that it was her fault I couldn't see my real mother.

So I ate my cereal mad.
Not feeling the satisfying sweetness of the cookies and milk.

I was munching down the last bits of cookies when my dad came into the kitchen, talking on the phone, as always.

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