Chapter 38: Decisions

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What did I wear to a situation like this?

Did I have to look cute? Simple? Not trying at all?

Do I even wear any makeup?

I don't consider this a date so...

No makeup. Shorts. T-shirt. Sneakers, and a windbreaker.


It's like I'm trying ,but not really.

Thankfully my mom hasn't come home yet, and my dad was napping so I had nothing to worry about when Bryce came.

They wouldn't ask me anything.

I waited for him in my living room, it was a few minutes after seven so I started thinking maybe he changed his mind about meeting me.

What if he thought I didn't matter anymore?
I thought as the doorbell rang.

My heart started pounding.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

I opened the door and backed away quickly, not wanting to be close.

But when I saw him, my heart leaped in admiration.

He stood there, with an apologetic face, again, and roses.

Red red roses that would only be shown in Valentines Day.

I stood there astounded. Staring at them. Then I met his eyes. His freaking chocolaty brown eyes.

Is it normal for me to want to take him back that easily?

"They're beautiful." I whispered.

"They're for you." He says handing them to me.


I took them shakily, our hands brushing one another.
I looked up at him the same time he did too.

"Thank you." I say going into the kitchen to grab a vase. "I'll just go put these upstairs."

He nodded and sat down in my couch as he waited for me.

I placed them on the vase in my bathroom, starring  at them. Then I stared at myself.

This is really happening.

Someone gave me roses.
Only my dad has given me roses.

And I received them from someone Else.

Oh my gosh.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't expect something like this from him.

Hold it together Leen, they're just flowers.


I walked down slowly, careful not to wake Dad.

He got up as well and opened the door for me.

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