Chapter 2:Work For It

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A/N: I've noticed in the comments that a lot of people think the picture above is Koleen, so to make things clear that is not Koleen, when I put up the picture at the  time I thought it fit well with the scene because they're working out, so my bad for the confusion :/


"You did what? Exactly?!"

"I stood up to him, he can't  just disrespect me like that. It's total bull."

"Well...that's true, but girl, you just got yourself in another problem. Sean always gets what he wants, so he'll most likely do something to get back at you for embarrassing him in front of his friends."

Sean was a jerk, he deserved it.

But Crystal had a point, Sean never lets anything go. I sighed, taking a break.
Crystal and I, were at the gym, we always went together when we clearly got something to say, or just to get everything out. It was  finally Friday, and we were lifting weights.

"Wanna go home now?" Crystal said chugging some water.

"Nah, lets just tone our legs."

She complained.

"Ughh, I swear all you ever wanna do is leg workout, like I want arms not legs." Easy for her to say, she already had beautiful toned long legs.

I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon you big baby get fit."

"This isn't about getting your thighs skinny is it?" I sighed, she knew.

"Leeny, you're already perfect, I mean look at you! What guy wouldn't resist grabbing that ass, and legs."

"I bumped into someone after the whole Sean incident."  I mentioned to her to change the subject.

"Really, who?" I lifted the bar, and  placed it on my shoulders, squatting. I could feel my whole legs burning from the previous workouts. I loved it! While Crystal did the same only with no weight at all. After we both got done, I explained everything.

From bumping into the squishy wall, to seeing a handsome guy, and scaring the shit out of me. But I didn't tell her the after school incident.

"Oh my gosh!" Crystal squealed, how can she still scream?  "I think you bumped into Bryson Anderson!"

"Who?"  I ask confused.

"The bad boy I was talking about this morning! He's so hot! And-"

"You never even told me his story."

She rolled her eyes, "I mean it's not like you even care." She crosses her arms pretending to be mad.

"True." I smile at her. "C'mon, let's go home now."

"Finally! I thought you were gonna make us do abs next."

"Well, I mean I would, but I figured you'd want food instead."

"I do! I do!" She jumped up and down like a little kid.

I laughed.

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