Chapter 17: Bottles

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Bryson's POV:

The strong smell of cigarettes, and alcohol led me to a trance inside the club.

Making my way through the sweaty bodys, I stumbled into the bar, and groaned.

"Sex God, is that you?" A familiar voice asked.

I looked up, and smiled, not trusting my voice right now.

"Hey, watcha doing around here? Haven't seen you in a while, watcha want?" The bartender asked.

How did he know me again?

"Give me your sstrongesst drink." I choked out, I was already drunk, but I wanted more.

I wanted something strong to clog up my sick mind.

The man slid me my drink, as I was about to pull out some cash he stopped me. "On the house." He replied.

I nodded my head thanks, and started chugging it, making eye contact with a girl.

Her black hair looked red under the colored, dim lights, She had on a tight short black leathered dress and big black chunky high heels.

She smiled at me, swaying her hips to the music, and grabbing her hair.

That didn't turn me on at all.
I mean that reaked of desperateness, but I had to keep my mind occupied some way.

I made my way towards her, grabbing her by the waist close to me.

Suddenly my phone vibrated.

I groaned, and took it, not looking who called. "What?!" I yelled.

"Damn moody much? It's Brian. Anyways you know that chick you brought to practice?"

The girl was then kissing my neck, making it hard for me to answer," Y-yeah Koleen Paris? What about her?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, I heard around she had an accident and now she's in the hospital."

My fist curled up as I thought about Sean, the sun of a bitch, putting his hands on her. "What the fuck happened?!"

The girl stopped kissing me and looked at me curiously, I quickly told her I'd be back,  then walked away somewhere more private.

"What happened? " I asked again, filling my lungs up with cool, fresh air that the night provided.

"Shit, I don't know. Some people say she got ran over, others say she got in a fight. Shit like that, I thought you knew since you were so close."

I rolled my eyes," I don't. And I barely know her Brian, just because I bring some chick to fucking practice doesn't mean there's something going on."

Brian stayed quiet on the other line. "I guess."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Hey, can you pick me up? "

"Uh, I don't know dude. It's already late, my parents will kill me if they found out. "

"Brian man, c'mon you owe me."

"From what?!" He yelled.

I smirked, "When I hooked you up with Alyssah G."

He groaned," But that doesn't count!"

"Yes it does. Now get your ass over here, before I beat you up."

"Fine tell me where you are."

I told him the address to the club and waited anxiously, tapping my foot on ground repeatingly.

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