Chapter 47: Picnic.

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Koleen's POV:

The scorching sun, and irritating pesky bugs did not suit my comfort to be in the park. It was sweet of him to suggest something other than just dinner and movies, but looking cute in nature was not possible.

My denim skirt kept rising up as I  took cautious steps into the grassy floor, my floral pink cropped tank stuck onto my skin making me feel self conscious.

The thing is, even though I didn't like my body, I still tried to find ways to accept myself. If I'm bold enough I'll wear tight clothing to get me used to seeing what I have, instead of wanting something else.

Today I was feeling bold, if I wanted this relationship to work I needed to accept myself as soon as possible before I became  an insecure freak to him.

"Did you have to choose today for our  date?" I asked him trying to catch up.

"Yes, Sunday will be at sixty degrees. Figured you'd want it to be a sunny day."

I nodded my head in agreement, the weather can be so bipolar sometimes.

"So where are we going to sit?"  I ask clutching the small cooler I brought filled with strawberry smoothies and  water.

"By that tree up ahead, it has good shading."

Secretly I was excited, I didn't see him as a picnic type of guy, then again he didn't seem like the boyfriend type but here we are.

I've never even been in a picnic and the fact that he suggested it was super cute of him.

"Oh good because this cooler is getting annoying to carry."
My face was sweaty which meant the little makeup I had on was sliding off. Luckily I carried spraying mist with me so it'll help hydrate.

"You can set it down for now while I lay the blanket."

I placed it on the grass while starring at Bryson with wide eyes. "Is that real Burberry?"

He shrugs, "Yeah."

"Why are you laying it on the grass? It's gonna get dirty and I bet it was so expensive!"

"It's old. It doesn't matter."

I rolled my eyes, of course he doesn't care. It is his blanket, his expensive Burberry one. I guess I had no choice but to sit on it.

"If you say so. I can't believe you brought this instead of a towel or something." I say sitting down on it once it was placed.

"I think it's perfect for this occasion, plus like I said it is old."

"Right, because you're  filthy rich." I laugh.

I adjusted my skirt which I regretted wearing, and sat with my shaved legs in front of me leaning back.

The warmth from the sun made me happy as I finally felt not so sweaty or hot.

"You should sit on my lap." Bryson demanded.

I looked at him blushing and taken back, I've never sat on a guy's lap before.

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