Chapter 55: Breaking Down.

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Koleen's POV(note:unedited:/) :

I always avoided going anywhere near the girls.

If they thought I was stuck up for dating Bryson, so be it.

But I felt fad for Crystal, she always invited me to places and I always said no.

We still talked, but it wasn't personal.

I already felt so overwhelmed with my relationship, and college, homework, running.

I thought it was better to keep my distance from them, than to get in an argument the next time they say something that doesn't sit well.

But unfortunately for me, I couldn't avoid them for the rest of the year.

I do see them everyday, and they're the only 'friends' I have.

So I when Bryson left again, I was forced to sit with them.

I sat my backpack down, and got out my packed lunch.

They didn't say anything to me, Chloe even smiled at me when I came.

I was trying to listen to their conversation, when Crystal came.

I looked up towards her expecting her to say hi to me, and inform me of any gossip she heard in gym.

Instead, she started talker to Amy.

I didn't think anything of it, I even spoke to Amy myself for a little bit until she was checked out.

Somehow twenty minutes have passed, and my stomach sunk.

Something was wrong, Crystal didn't even look toward me once. She acted as if I wasn't even there, not acknowledging me at all.

I didn't know what to do so I say there uncomfortably, eating my half empty pasta salad.

"Hey Chloe can you come with me to buy an ice cream?" Crystal asked her, still ignoring me.

Chloe looked toward me wide eyed, I gave her a shrug.

I knew it.

Even Chloe was surprised that Crystal asked her instead of me.

She always asked me to company her.

While they were gone, I contemplated whether to stay put or simply get up and leave.

My dumbass stayed put.

There was ten minutes of lunch left anyways.

When they got back, she ate her snack, but still refused to face or acknowledge me.

I was angry, yet hurt at the same time because I didn't understand why she was mad at me.

What have I even done wrong?

As I was counting down the time, I finally hear her say, "You want to take a walk Leen?"

I looked up surprised, and just nodded my head.

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