Break.(not an update)

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A/N: hey guys, I just wanted to let y'all know that I won't be writing/updating for a while. Idk if I'll finish this book or not, I haven't decided.

But I'm just going through one of those times where you pour your whole heart to someone, and trusted him to take care of it since he told you so gently, but then after five months he shatters it, no warning, just breaks it into pieces all of a sudden.

And it's hard for me to write when I've based these characters, and situations/scenes like my relationship. It's just hard, and it really hurts.
I'm sorry to disappoint y'all, I just wanted to let y'all know.

Edit: Thank you guys sooo much for understanding and supporting me. It really makes me happy and feel not so lonely to have not only my family and friends support but my fellow readers.

I just need time to heal. 
I love you all so much, and I appreciation the comments .
I know I'll read them when I feel vulnerable at school.

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